Press Releases

Synology® Officially Launches Dutch Website

"Hallo, Synology's Dutch-Speaking users!"

"The figure showed that the sales of Synology products in the Netherlands and Belgium market have been growing steadily, and that we have increasing the website visitors from the Netherlands and Belgium region," said Edward Lin, marketing director of Synology. "Since Dutch language was supported on the Synology Disk Station Manager 2.0, we have received a great number of positive comments from our users and reviewers, which leads us to believe a Dutch website will further help us forge ahead with a friendlier environment for the local community; whether the existing users or the potential customers," Lin added.

"Real Solutions Haarlem, signed as the first Synology distributor in the Netherlands, started to use the domain,, to host the unofficial Synology website in 2006," said Bob Hoefsloot, sales director of Real Solutions Haarlem. "Now we proudly hand over the domain to Synology and expect it to be run and promoted to another level for Dutch users," Hoefsloot added.

The website showcases multifaceted information such as the general product information, DSM2.0 features, latest media coverage and the Synology's press release, purchase information, technical FAQ contents, and a full-featured discussion forum.

To visit the official Dutch website, please click:

Synology at a Glance

Synology creates network attached storage and IP surveillance solutions that transform the way users manage data and conduct surveillance in the cloud era. By taking full advantage of the latest technologies, Synology aims to help users centralize data storage and backup, share files on-the-go, and implement professional surveillance solutions in reliable and affordable ways. Synology is committed to delivering products with forward-thinking features and the best in class customer services.

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