- Backup destination folders for relinking are not supported to be renamed
- External devices such as USB flash drive are not supported to be backed up
- Only one task of a backup source can be run at the same time, while other tasks of the same source will queue up and perform sequentially
- Backing up data and version deletion of one backup task cannot be performed concurrently
- Backup files of multiple versions backup tasks are stored as the backup format (.hbk) which is powered by Synology and can only be read with Hyper Backup, Hyper Backup Explorer, and Hyper Backup Vault
- Names of tasks may include 1 to 32 Unicode characters, but cannot contain the following characters:
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ ^ ` { } | ~
- Each backup task can only include one LUN as the backup source
- LUNs can only be backed up to external disks with ext4 format
- Version rotation is not supported in DSM 5.1 or earlier version
- Applications backed up in DSM 5.1 or above cannot be restored in DSM 5.0 or earlier version