How do I set up a Hybrid Share folder?
Last updated:17 Jul 2024
How do I set up a Hybrid Share folder?
This article guides you through setting up your Hybrid Share folder.
On C2 Storage:
- You are currently subscribed to a C2 Storage Advanced plan.
On Synology NAS:
- Minimum DSM version: 7.1
- Minimum Hybrid Share package version: 1.3.1
- Storage Pool file system: Btrfs
- Minimum memory size: 2 GB
- The maximum number of Hybrid Share folders you can create depends on the storage capacity of your subscription plan.
- The maximum number of Hybrid Share folders you can mount varies according to Synology NAS models. For more information, please refer to this article.
There are two ways you can set up and initialize a Hybrid Share folder:
Method 1: Mount Hybrid Share Folder
Method 2: Convert to Hybrid Share Folder
Note the following when naming the Hybrid Share folder:
- Folder names can include 1 to 32 characters.
- Folder names cannot include invalid characters:
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ ^ ` { } | ~
- The first character of folder names cannot be a hyphen (-) or space, and the last character cannot be a space.
- Names reserved for system or package use cannot be used as folder names (e.g., MailPlus, photo).
- The minimum required folder quota is 500 GB.
Note the following when setting the encryption key:
- The encrypting key cannot include equals signs (=), commas (,), or colons (:).
- The encrypting key cannot be modified once created.
- The encrypting key should be stored in a safe location and not in the Hybrid Share folder being mounted. Encrypted data cannot be recovered if the encryption key is lost.
- The encrypting key is needed for decryption the next time this Hybrid Share folder is to be mounted on this or another Synology NAS device.
Note the following when specifying the reserved local cache size:
- The reserved local cache size must be at least 500 GB.
- The reserved local cache size cannot exceed the quota of the Hybrid Share folder on C2 Storage or 90% of the Btrfs volume size.
- Local cache usage may exceed the reserved local cache size and temporarily occupy the volume's available capacity when the mounted Hybrid Share folder has a large amount of data to upload to C2 Storage. Once the upload is complete, the used capacity will gradually be released.
- Any changes you made to the contents of the mounted Hybrid Share folder—including adding new files or folders, editing file contents, modifying file attributes, and deleting files or folders—will be automatically uploaded to the Hybrid Share folder on C2 Storage, and from there, synced to all Synology NAS devices mounted with the same Hybrid Share folder.
Note that the shared folder conversion is not supported under the following conditions:
- Your shared folder is larger than the quota of the Hybrid Share folder on C2 Storage.
- Your shared folder has data checksum for advanced data integrity enabled. Hybrid Share doesn't support this feature.
- Your shared folder contains any file exceeding 768 GB.
- Your shared folder hosts any of the following packages:
Active Backup for Business, Active Backup for Google Workspace, Active Backup for Microsoft 365, Antivirus by McAfee, Antivirus Essential, Audio Station, Container Manager, iTunes Server, Log Center, Media Server (including Media Indexing), Shared Folder Sync, Snapshot Replication, Storage Analyzer, Synology Chat Server, Synology MailPlus, Synology Photos, Surveillance Station, Video Station, and Virtual Machine Manager
- Before the conversion, the system will quickly scan all the files in the shared folder and temporarily render the shared folder inaccessible. These files will become accessible again once the scan is complete.