Cloud Station Backup Help

Cloud Station Backup is a backup service that allows you to back up your files from multiple client computers to a centralized Synology product. Before backing up files on your client computers, Cloud Station Server package is required to be installed on the host Synology product, and Cloud Station Backup (available at Synology's Download Center) has to be installed on each client computer you want to back up from.


To install and manage Cloud Station Server on your Synology product, log in to DSM as admin (or a user belonging to the administrators group), go to Package Center to install Cloud Station Server, and then click the Help button at the top-right corner for information.

Configure Backup Service

Download and install the Cloud Station Backup application from Synology's Download Center and then follow the instructions in this section to configure the syncing service provided by Cloud Station.

To configure backup:

  1. On your Windows computer, go to Start > All Programs > Synology Cloud Station Backup to launch the setup wizard.
  2. On your Mac, go to Finder > Applications > Synology Cloud Station backup to launch the wizard.
  3. On your Linux computer, go to Dash > Applications > Internet > Synology Cloud Station Backup to launch the wizard.
  4. Click Next to continue.
  5. Do the following to configure the Synology product you want to back up to, and then click Next:
    1. Enter the name of your computer, the IP address, the QuickConnect ID, username and password of your Synology product. For domain users, use your domain name\username to log in. For LDAP users, use "username@Base_DN" to log in. You can also log in with IPv6.
    2. If you are unable to connect to the Synology product, click the Proxy button to open the proxy setting window. Fill in your settings and re-connect to the Synology product.
    3. You can also click the search icon on the right, and Cloud Station Backup will automatically search for available Synology product within your local network.
  6. Choose the local folder you want to back up and all data will be backed up to the destination shown.
    1. If you want to further adjust your backup settings, click Backup rules to filter out folders and files you don't want to back up.
      • Max file size: If a file is bigger than your specified size, it will not be backed up.
      • File name: Any file with the designated file name will not be backed up.
      • File extension: Any designated file extension will not be backed up. Add *.extension to the table, e.g. *.iso.
      • Click Apply to save all the settings.
      • You can tick Don't remove files in the remote backup folder when they are removed from the source to prevent backed up files from being deleted.
    2. If you want to modify your backup destination, click Select:
      • Computer name: Cloud Station Backup will create a folder with your computer name in the backup destination to back up to.
      • Backup destination: Choose a remote folder at your backup destination.
  7. Click Next and Finish to complete the setup.


  • To find your QuickConnect ID, log in to DSM as admin (or a user belonging to the administrators group), and then go to Control Panel > QuickConnect to check the information.
  • If you are unable to connect to the Synology product or authorize the connection with your user credentials, check your network settings, and make sure your access to Cloud Station has been enabled by your DSM administrator (at Control Panel > Privileges > Cloud Station Server).
  • If you have read-only permission for a remote shared folder, you cannot set it as your backup destination.
  • If you checked Don't remove files in the remote backup folder when they are removed from the source, deleting local files/folders will not affect data that has already been backed up to your remote destination.
  • You can set the maximum file size as a number between 1~10240000 MB, with 0 meaning unlimited.
  • For Windows environment, you can back up 64 directories at most with Cloud Station Backup.
  • The following file types and drive types are not supported in Cloud Station Backup:
    • Windows disk drives
    • Windows shortcuts
    • Mac alias
    • Windows symbolic links
    • Hidden files
    • Windows folders with these attributes:
      • OFFLINE
      • SYSTEM
  • By default, Cloud Station Backup will not back up files and folders under the following circumstances:
    • The file type is any of the following:
      tmp temp swp lnk
    • The file name starts with any of the following:
    • The file name is or contains any of the following:
      • @eadir
      • .SynologyWorkingDirectory
      • #recycle
      • desktop.ini
      • .DS_STORE
      • Icon\r
      • thumbs.db
      • $Recycle.Bin
      • @sharebin
      • System Volume Information
      • Program Files
      • Program Files (x86)
      • ProgramData
      • #snapshot
    • For Windows:
      • The folder or file path contains the following characters:
        * : ? \ / " < > |
      • The folder or file path is longer than 247 characters.
      • The file name is longer than 255 characters.
      • File type is a shortcut or symbolic link。
      • Files or folders with these attributes:
        • OFFLINE
        • SYSTEM
        • TEMPORARY
    • For Mac:
      • The folder or file path contains the following characters:
        \ /
      • The folder or file path is longer than 768 characters.
      • The file name is longer than 255 characters.
      • The file type is any of the following:
        • Icon
        • Socket
        • Device node
        • FIFO
    • For Linux:
      • The folder or file path contains the following characters:
        \ /
      • The folder or file path is longer than 2048 characters.
      • The file name is longer than 255 characters.
      • The file type is any of the following:
        • Socket
        • Device node
        • FIFO
  • If local folder contains a mount point, files inside the mount point might not be backed up because Cloud Station Backup can not detect file changes inside a mount point.

To cancel backup:

  1. Double click the Cloud Station Backup icon on the system tray.
  2. Click Settings to go to the Connection tab.
  3. Click the Unlink button.


After cancelling backup, previously backed up data will remain on the server. However, all data needs to be processed again the next time you set up the backup task.

Manage your Backup

Double click the Cloud Station Backup icon on the system tray to launch the main app.

To manage your backup:

  1. Click Pause to pause your backup.
  2. Click Resume to resume your backup.

To modify the folder you want to backup:

  1. Click Settings > Backup Source.
  2. Check the folders you want to back up, and uncheck those you don't.
  3. Click Appy to save your settings.

To change your backup rules:

  1. Click Settings > Backup Source.
  2. In Backup rules, reconfigure your settings.
  3. Click Apply to save your settings.

To automatically back up your files, do any of the following:

  • Put files you wish to back up into the backup folder on your computer. While backup is running, files uploaded, uploading and in queue to be uploaded will be shown under Recent activities in the main app.
  • If you want to pause or resume your backup, click Pause or Resume in the main app.


Cloud Station Backup uploads up to three files to the destination server concurrently.


You can modify proxy settings and server connection information in the Connection.

To edit proxy settings, do the following:

  1. Double click the Cloud Station Backup icon or select Main app in the menu.
  2. Click Settings > Connection.
  3. Click Proxy on the bottom left.
  4. Tick Auto-detect to use proxy settings provided by the OS. Or, tick Manual to specify your own proxy server IP and port.
  5. Tick Enable proxy authentication and enter your username and password for proxy authorization.
  6. Click Apply to save all the settings.


Once proxy is enabled, Cloud Station Backup will always connect to your Synology product through proxy.

Enable SSL Encrypted Connection

A certificate can be used to secure data transfer between your Synology product and computers, and having a certificate allows users to validate the identity of the host server before sending any confidential information. You can import a certificate issued by a trusted authority (at Control Panel > Security > Certificate) on your DSM, enable secure connection on Cloud Station on your client computer, and then the system will verify the given certificate to ensure your Cloud Station connection is protected. Please do the following to enable SSL data transmission encryption:

  1. Double click the Cloud Station Backup icon or select Main app in the menu.
  2. Click Settings > Connection.
  3. Tick Enable SSL data transmission encryption.
  4. Click Apply to save your settings.


If Cloud Station Backup fails to verify the SSL certificate, it may mean that it is an untrusted self-signed certificate, or someone may be trying to intercept your connection. Please go to Control Panel > Security > Certificate for more information.

To edit your connection with the Cloud Station Server:

  1. Double click the Cloud Station Backup icon or select Main app in the menu.
  2. Click Settings > Connection.
  3. Enter a new IP address (or the QuickConnect ID), username and password.
  4. Click Apply to save your settings.

Manage backed up files and historical versions

Cloud Station Server saves historical versions of each modified file. Every time you modify a file, a backup version is created, just in case you make mistakes or wish to revert to an older version.

On the client computer, you can use Version Explorer to browse historical versions of backed up data and restore them to a specific time.

To download previous versions of a backed up file:

  1. Click Version Explorer to open Version Explorer.
  2. You can view the history of files at any moment by dragging the timeline to a specific time. You can also use the calendar to quickly jump to another date that you are interested.
  3. Select the file you want to download, and then click Download.
  4. You can also client Browse previous versions to view all historical versions of the file at once and then click Download to download the selected version.

To restore a backed up file or folder to a specific time:

  1. Click Version Explorer to open Version Explorer.
  2. You can view the history of files at any moment by dragging the timeline to a specific time. You can also use the calendar to quickly jump to another date that you are interested.
  3. Select the file or folder you want to restore, and then click Restore.

To download or restore a deleted file or folder:

  1. Click Version Explorer to open Version Explorer.
  2. Click Show deleted files. After choosing this option, all deleted files will be shown in Version Explorer.
  3. You can download or restore a deleted file or folder using the same steps as regular files.

To check the download or restore progress:

  1. Click Version Explorer to open Version Explorer.
  2. Click the button on the upper-right to open task list.
  3. The progresses of both download and restore task will be shown in the task list.

To access your backed up files on your Synology NAS or Synology Router, do any of the following:

  • Log into DSM or SRM using your credentials, and go to File Station and browse home > CloudStation > Backup to access your files.
  • If your backup destination is in a shared folder, the files can be directly accessed from the same shared folder in File Station.

Remove Cloud Station Backup

To remove Cloud Station Backup on Mac:

  1. Go to Finder > Application and right click the Cloud Station Backup application, then select Package Contents.
  2. Go to Contents > SharedSupport.
  3. Copy and paste Remove Synology Cloud Station Backup onto your desktop.
  4. Double click Remove Synology Cloud Station Backup to uninstall Cloud Station Backup from your Mac computer.
Configure Backup Service
Manage your Backup
Enable SSL Encrypted Connection
Manage backed up files and historical versions
Remove Cloud Station Backup