Threat Prevention

Threat Prevention dynamically guards the network security of your Synology Router and its subordinate devices in the following ways:

  • Inspects Internet traffic to detect and drop malicious packets
  • Records network events and offers statistical analyses regarding malicious sources
  • Delivers alert notifications
  • Allows manual and automatic updates to enhance network security


  • Threat Prevention is not available on MR2200ac.
  • Threat Prevention works only when SRM is operating in the Wireless Router mode (configured at SRM Network Center > Operation Modes).
  • Part of the attached storage space will be allocated for Threat Prevention. To avoid system failures, do not remove the attached storage when this package is running.


Check out system status, monitor the malicious events having occurred in the past seven days, and track any malicious devices that need your concerns.


Keep track of triggered events and view their detailed information.

Self-Defined Policy

View the list of all self-defined policies and signatures. You can edit the actions according to your needs.


See the graphic display of where the high, medium, and low severity events have originated, and understand what the top five source/destination IP addresses and event types are.


Set whether to detect and drop high-risk packages, which network interfaces to monitor, and how you wish to update signatures. You can also configure notification settings, back up and restore your configurations, and limit the storage usage of log files.