Moments (iOS)

Version 1.3

iOS Moments allows you to view the photos and videos at anytime and anywhere with an iOS device. All the photos are displayed in chronological order and are smartly organized into albums by topics, keeping a detailed track of the special moments captured in everyday life.

Before You Start

Please ask the DSM administrator to install Synology Moments (DSM version 6.2.1-23824 or above is required).

To install Moments:

  1. Log in to DSM with an account belonging to the administrators group.
  2. Go to Package Center to find and install the Moments package.

Getting Started

To log in to Moments:

  1. Enter the following information on the login page:
    • Address or QuickConnect ID: Enter the IP address, DDNS hostname, or QuickConnect ID of your Synology NAS.
    • Account and Password: Enter the login credentials of your DSM account.
  2. Tap Log in.

To secure your connection:

If you want to secure your connection, please do the following:

  1. Select the HTTPS checkbox if you want your connection to be SSL/TLS-encrypted. Before doing so, please make sure the HTTPS service is activated at Control Panel > Network > DSM Settings on your Synology NAS.
  2. Enable Verify certificate by going to > Login Settings to validate the SSL certificate installed on your Synology NAS. This verification works if the installed certificate is trusted (certificates from third-party issuers such as Let’s Encrypt are required).


  • If you cannot link Synology Moments to the server with your user credentials, please ask the administrator to log in to DSM and go to Control Panel > User > Edit > Applications and select Moments to enable your account.

To log out of Moments:

Tap More > Log Out.


Moments contains the following main sections:

  1. Browse photos in timeline view mode.
  2. View the automatically and manually created albums.
  3. Explore photos that Moments automatically chose and prepared in For You.
  4. Contains information regarding general settings, connected address, package version, and more.
  5. Monitor photo backup progress and enable/disable photo backup.
  6. Switch to photos from different sources (this feature is only available if admin has enabled the Shared Photo Library feature on the web version of Moments).
  7. Monitor the progress of file uploads.
  8. Configure advanced settings for photo display, thumbnail prefetch, player settings, and more.
  9. Read what's new and Help articles, provide feedback, and contact support.
  10. Log out of your account.
  11. Switch between different photo viewing modes.
  12. Search photos and albums.

Upload or Download Photos

To upload manually:

To manually upload photos or videos to Photo Library, please do either of the following:

  • Tap  > Upload and select the items you want to upload, and then select Photo Library or an album to start uploading the items.
  • Go to a photo album and tap  > Upload to start uploading the items.

To configure photo backup:

With photo backup enabled, photos and videos will be automatically uploaded to Moments and stored in Synology Drive. Tap More to view the photo backup status, and tap Photo Backup to enable or disable photo backup.

To download photos to Camera Roll:

You can download multiple photos or videos using Moments.

  • Select one or multiple photos or videos and then tap  > Download to download them.


  • All the photos and videos backed up or uploaded to My Photo Library are stored in a folder with the following file path in My Drive, with the device name serving as the folder name by default: My Drive/Moments/Mobile/_device name_.
  • The photos on your mobile phones will be uploaded to My Photo Library when the Photo Backup feature is enabled in Shared Photo Library, whereas the photos will be uploaded to the /photo/Moments folder during manual uploads.
  • You can download an edited photo’s original version by tapping > Download Original.

Browse Photos and Albums

To view a Live Photo:

  • When browsing a Live Photo in full screen, will show on the upper right corner. Tap to play the Live Photo.

To change the viewing mode:

You can switch between the following viewing modes when browsing photos and videos and viewing their location information:

  • Day: Photos, videos, and their location information are displayed by day.
  • Month: Photos, videos, and their location information are displayed by month.
  • Year: The selected photos, videos, and their location information are displayed by year.


  • You can use a pinch gesture to switch among these three viewing modes.
  • Information of a photo’s location is displayed only when GPS coordinates are available.

To view a photo's information:

  • When browsing a photo in lightbox mode, tap  to view its details, including the date and time it was taken, and the tags, related people, description, and more.
  • When browsing a photo in lightbox mode, the date and location of when and where the photo was taken are shown at the bottom right of the screen. This information can be disabled in Settings > Photo Display.

To search photos or albums:

  1. Tap  in the toolbar to search photos or albums by entering keywords, such as people's name, subjects, or tags.
  2. Tap the auto-suggested albums.
  3. Swipe to the left to clear the search history.


  • All your Live Photos, including the edited ones, can be found by searching for the keyword "live".

To view the photos taken on the same day:

  • In the search results page or in an auto-created album, click next to a date to view all the other photos and videos taken on the same day.
  • Tap to display only the filtered results.

To view 360 degree photos and videos:

Tap  in the toolbar and enter the keyword 360 degree, and then tap the suggested results to view all the 360 degree photos and videos.


  • A file will only be marked as 360 degree if the photo's EXIF or the video's metadata contains all the following 360 degree formats: (ProjectionType="equirectangular"), (FullPanoWidthPixels=CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels), and (FullPanoHeightPixels=CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels).
  • A file will not be marked as 360 degree if the photo's EXIF or the video's metadata contains contains the following 360 format: (UsePanoramaViewer="false").

To delete photos or videos:

Please do either of the following to delete unwanted items. The deleted items will no longer be visible in Moments, unless you restore them from Synology Drive's Recycle Bin.

  • Tap  when browsing a photo or video in lightbox mode.
  • After selecting one or multiple photos or videos, tap  > Delete to delete the items.

To optimize browsing experience with super-resolution:

Super-resolution automatically detects the network condition. When the network condition is unstable, deep learning techniques and hardware acceleration on mobile devices reconstruct thumbnail details, providing uninterrupted browsing experience.

  • When browsing the images reconstructed by super-resolution, the icon will appear on the upper right corner of the images. Super-resolution can be disabled in Settings > Advanced.


  • Super-resolution is supported on devices running on iOS 11 with Apple A9 GPU or above. Please refer to here to see whether your iOS devices are compatible.
  • Enabling super-resolution may affect the power consumption of your mobile devices.
  • Super-resolution only works when you are using a mobile device with 3G or 4G network, and is not enabled when your device is connected to Wi-Fi.

To manage the cached images:

  1. Tap More > Settings > Offline.
  2. Set the maximum cache size. Increasing the cache size can optimize the browsing experience during unstable network connection or offline browsing.
  3. Tap Clear Cache to clear all the cached images.

Share Photos and Albums

When sharing photos and videos with others, you can choose to share them to other applications or share albums with your friends.

To share to other apps:

Select one or multiple photos or videos, and tap to share them to other applications installed on your iOS devices.

To share an album:

After an album has been shared, you can still add more photos and videos to the share link and configure the advanced sharing settings. Please do either of the following to share an album:

  • Select the photos and videos you want to share, and tap  > to configure the privacy settings or specify the users who can access the photos; afterward, tap Share to copy the link or share it to other applications.
  • Go to the album you want to share, and tap  to configure the privacy settings or specify the users who can access the album; afterward, tap Share to copy or share the link.


  • When sharing a link, selecting Public means that anyone with the share link can access the shared album, while selecting Specific users means that only the assigned users can access the shared album.

To manage the shared albums:

All the shared albums can be managed and viewed in AlbumsShared

  • With Me: All the albums shared by other users.
  • With Others: All the albums that I have shared with other users. Tap to copy or edit the share link.


  • Please note that only With Others is available in Shared Photo Library.

To copy photos to Shared Photo Library:

  1. Tap and select Copy to Shared Photo Library after selecting multiple photos or when viewing a photo in full screen.

Browse and Manage For You

In the For You tab of Moments, you can explore the best of your photos chosen by our AI technology. The photos you see here have been edited automatically to adjust their colors, and you can decide whether or not to save the changes.


  • Some NAS servers may not support Moments Select, the web version of For You on mobile, and thus will not show For You function on mobile.

To start using For You for the first time:

Tap to have Moments start analyzing your photos and pick out a photo selection for you.

To apply changes to a photo:

As the photos you see are the automatically edited ones, you can apply these changes by doing either of the following:

  • Click Save effects on the bottom right of each photo to directly apply the auto changes.
  • Open the photo you want to apply changes to and tap Save effects. You can tap on the photo to see the original version before deciding to apply changes.


  • After you tap Apply, the icon on the bottom right of the photo will become Browse, which will lead you back to the photo in Timeline upon tapping.

To remove a photo from For You:

If you do not want a photo to appear in this section anymore, do either of the following to remove it:

  • Swipe left on the photo thumbnail to remove it from For You.
  • Open the photo you want to remove and tap Remove.


  • Changes made in Moments on your iOS device will also be synced to Moments Select section on your Moments web.

Edit Photos

To edit a photo:

Open a photo and tap to enter editing mode:

  • Auto color: Tap to apply effects with the toggle.
  • Auto rotate: Tap and make a clockwise/counterclockwise 90-degree rotation with the icons.

Tap Done to save the changes before leaving.


  • After you apply Auto color on your photos, will show on the upper right corner when viewing them in full screen mode.
  • Live Photo will only be saved as a still photo after you apply Auto color or rotate the photo clockwise or counterclockwise. If you want to recover it back to a Live Photo, disable Auto color or rotate the photo back to its original state, tap Done to save.
  • Auto color’s effects include automatically adjustments on 'brightness', 'contrast', 'saturation', 'white balance', 'tint', 'highlight', 'shadow', and 'skintone'.
  • Your photo will be straightened automatically after tapping Auto rotate. To disable this adjustment, tap Reset to turn the angle back to original.

Edit Albums

To create an album:

To create an album, please do either of the following:

  • Tap the Photos or Albums tab and tap  > Create Album to create a new album. Once the album is created, you can start to add or upload photos and videos.
  • Select one or multiple photos or/and videos, and then tap > New Album

To add photos to an album:

Do any of the following to add photos and videos to a new or any existing album:

  • Tap Add to Album when browsing a photo in lightbox.
  • Tap  to add photos or videos to an album after selecting one or multiple photos or videos.
  • Tap  to select and add photos from photo library or upload them to an album.

To rename an album:

Tap  > Rename or tap an album title to edit its title.

To remove photos from an album:

You can use either of the following ways to remove photos and videos from an album. The removed items will remain in Moments' Photo Library. Tap Delete to permanently remove photos from Photo Library.

  • After selecting multiple photos or videos, tap  > Remove from Album to remove the items.
  • Tap  > Remove from Album when browsing a photo or video in lightbox.

To delete an album:

The photo albums in Albums are organized with automatically created albums in the upper section, and manually created albums in the lower section. Only the manually created albums can be deleted. To delete a manually created album, please tap the album you want to delete and then tap > Delete Album.


  • In the automatically created albums, photos are categorized into the following albums: Shared, People, Subjects, Places, Tags, Videos, and Recently Added.
  • Please note that after an album is deleted, its photos will still remain in photo library.

Edit the People Albums

Similar faces in the People albums are grouped together, and are sorted according to people's name and the number of photos.

To set the cover photo of a People album:

  1. Go to a People album and browse the photo you want to set as the cover photo in full screen.
  2. Tap > Set as Album Cover.

To edit the facial recognition results:

  1. Go to a People album and select the photos you want to remove or move, and then tap > Remove the selected photos.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • Select Remove the selected faces from... if you want to remove the selected photos from the facial recognition results. Please note that this action cannot be undone.
    • Select Rename as... if you want to move the selected photos to an existing or newly created People album.

To merge similar faces:

  1. Go to Albums > People and tap > Merge people to start.
  2. Select at least two faces and tap Merge to finish. The name of the people can also be renamed at this step. Please note that this action cannot be undone.

To show or hide faces:

  1. Go to Albums > People and tap > Show / Hide people to start. All the faces including the hidden faces are shown at this step.
  2. Tap the faces you want to show or hide.
  3. Click Done to finish.
Before You Start
Getting Started
Upload or Download Photos
Browse Photos and Albums
Share Photos and Albums
Browse and Manage For You
Edit Photos
Edit Albums
Edit the People Albums