Creating Tasks
This article will guide you through how to use the feature Task of Synology Calendar.
To add a task list:
- Click the Check icon at the bottom-right of right sidebar.
- Click the menu icon at the upper-left corner of the section.
- Click Add at the bottom of the menu. Enter a task.
- Click Save to add the list.
To add a task:
- In the right section: Describe your task in the text field and click Add or press ENTER.
- In the main section: Click on the date and choose the Task tab. Describe your task in the text field and click Create task.
- Click the ... icon beside the task name. You can edit Task Name, Task List, Due time, Reminder, and Description of the task.
To edit a task:
- Click the ... icon beside the task name. You can edit Task Name, Task List, Due time, Time Reminder, and Description of the task.
- If the date of the task is unspecified, the task will not show in the main section.
- Inbox is the default task list for uncategorized tasks and cannot be deleted. If uncategorized, tasks of Today and Upcoming will be added to Inbox automatically.
To view tasks:
At the upper left corner of the section, there are four view modes: Inbox, Today, Upcoming, and Task List.
- Inbox: The view mode will include tasks not added to any specific task list and tasks added from MailPlus. You can drag to sort tasks in this mode.
- Today: The view mode will include due tasks and tasks of today. You can drag to change the due date in this mode.
- Upcoming: This view mode will include due tasks and tasks due in a week. You can drag to change the due date in this mode.
- Task List: The view mode will only include tasks of the list. You can drag to sort tasks in this mode.