Enriching Your Synology Chat Experience

Synology Chat provides you with an efficient communication experience. Express your thoughts and feelings through reactions/emoji, hashtags, and much more.

Supported functions are as follows:

  • Modify messages
  • Hashtags
  • Mentions
  • Reactions
  • Emojis and stickers
  • Upload files
  • Scheduled messages
  • Polls
  • Message threads
  • Forward messages
  • Message reminders
  • Pin messages
  • Bookmarks
  • Markdown formatting
  • Third-party video conference

To modify messages:

Administrators can configure whether users can edit or delete messages in Synology Chat Admin Console. If an administrator allows users to edit or delete messages, they can further choose whether modification can be made for messages sent in the last 24 hours or all messages. If editing or deleting is not allowed, users are restricted from modifying any messages they have sent.

The modification options will not be displayed if the administrator does not permit modification or if the permitted time to make changes has passed.

  • Edit a message
    • Hover your mouse over a message and click the Pen icon that appears.
    • Hover your mouse over a message and click the More icon on the right. Select Edit message.
  • Delete a message
    • Hover your mouse over a message and click the Pen icon that appears. Click the Delete button.
    • Hover your mouse over a message and click the More icon on the right. Select Delete message.

To create a hashtag:

  • Type # followed by your desired text to create a hashtag.
  • To add a hashtag to an existing message, click the # icon on the upper-right of the message.
  • You can also use the search box at the upper-right corner to search for any messages attached to a hashtag. Hashtags can only be detected when there is a space before the hashtag.

To mention someone in your message:

Type @ followed by a user's name to notify them of your message. An auto-complete list with all available members will be displayed as you type a username or nickname.

To react to a message:

  1. Mouse-over any message that you would like to react to.
  2. Click on the Add reaction icon to select an emoji.
  3. Your reaction will be added to the bottom of the message. You can click the reaction again to remove it.
  4. Clicking on a reaction already created by others will increase the count number of that reaction.

To add an emoji or sticker to your message:

  1. Click on the Emoji icon below the text field.
  2. Select the emoji or sticker you would like to add to your message.


  • Emoji will appear as a line of text in the text field. If you prefer not to click the Emoji icon to add an emoji or sticker, you can memorize your favorite ones and type them in manually.
  • Stickers do not appear as text in the text field. To add a sticker, you must click on the sticker you prefer.
  • Stickers cannot be added to Posts or Bookmarks. Hashtags and reactions also cannot be added to stickers.

To upload a file:

  1. Click on the Add files icon below the text field, and select Upload from my computer.
  2. Select the files you want to upload and enter a description for each file.
  3. You can also drag and drop your files directly to Chat.


  • Files uploaded from Synology NAS will appear in the form of a file path and will not be duplicated on the system. If the original file is moved or deleted, the file path will become invalid.
  • To view all the files within a channel or conversation, click the Bulletin icon at the upper-right corner and select the Files icon in the sidebar.
  • Administrators can enable or disable users' permission to upload files from Synology NAS.

To insert a file link from Synology Drive:

  1. Click on the Add files icon below the text field, and select Insert file links from Synology Drive.
  2. Select a file or folder, and click OK to insert. If you have the privilege to manage the file or directory, you can set up the privilege before inserting the file link.

To create or paste a snippet:

  1. Click on the Add a snippet icon below the text field.
  2. Type or paste the content and add a description.
  3. You can also select and apply the snippet type you want.

To create and manage a poll:

  • Create a poll
    1. Click on the Create a poll icon below the text field.
    2. Enter the poll question and answer options. To add an attachment, click Attach file and select the file you want to upload.
    3. In Advanced Settings, select whether to allow multiple choice and anonymous voting, allow others to add poll options, and set a closing time for the poll.
  • Edit, close, or delete a poll
    • Poll creators can hover their mouse over the More icon at the upper-right corner of a poll to edit, close, or delete the poll.


  • The maximum word count for a poll question and option is 120 characters.
  • At least two non-repetitive options must be included in a poll.
  • If users have voted in a poll, then only the following can be edited in Advanced Settings: Allow others to add poll options and Closing time.
  • Poll results will be pushed to the channel when poll closing time is due or when the poll is manually closed.

To create a scheduled message:

A scheduled message will be sent to the designated channel or conversation in the general message format at the scheduled time.

  1. Click on the Schedule a message icon below the text field.
  2. Schedule the message at a time you desire. The default date and time is set to the next day at noon. Modify the settings by doing either of the following:
    • To send a message on a specific date and time: Click on the calendar icon to choose the date and click on the time drop-down menu to choose the time.
    • To send a message after a certain period of time: Click on the downward arrow below Send message and choose the time you wish to send the message.
  3. Enter the message you want to schedule in the textbox.
  4. Click the My Collections icon at the upper-right corner and go to Scheduled messages in the sidebar if you want to edit or view the scheduled messages.

To create and join a thread:

  • Create a thread
    1. Hover your mouse over a message and click the Start a thread icon on the right.
    2. Enter your message, upload files, or add snippets.
  • Join a thread
    1. Hover your mouse over a thread and click the Comment on the thread icon on the right.
    2. Enter your message, upload files, or add snippets. You can click the Subscribe icon at the upper-right corner to receive notifications on the latest comments.

To forward a message:

  1. Hover your mouse over a message and click the More icon on the right. Select Forward message.
  2. Do either of the following in the Forward to channel or conversation field:
    • Enter one or multiple channels or conversations.
    • Click the downward arrow on the right to open the drop-down menu and select one or multiple channels or conversations.
  3. The message will be forwarded to the selected channel or conversation from the user account that configured message forwarding.

To create a reminder:

  1. Hover your mouse over a message and click the More icon on the right. Select Remind me.
  2. Click the drop-down menu and schedule the time to receive the reminder.
  3. Click the My Collections icon at the upper-right corner and click the Reminders icon to edit or view the set reminder if needed.
  4. The reminder will be pushed to My Space when the set time is due. Reminders can only be viewed by those who created them.

To pin a message:

  1. Hover your mouse over a message and click the More icon on the right. Select Pin message.
  2. The message will be added to Pinned Messages in Bulletin. All users in the channel or conversation can view and will automatically subscribe to the pinned message.
  3. Do either of the following to remove a pinned message:
    • Hover your mouse over the message and click the More icon on the right. Select Unpin message.
    • Click the Bulletin icon at the upper-right corner and click the Pinned messages icon in the sidebar to remove one or more pinned messages.

To bookmark a message:

  1. Hover your mouse over a message and click on the Bookmark icon on the left.
  2. Click the My Collections icon and then click the Bookmarks icon in the sidebar to view the bookmarks in the channel or conversation. Bookmarks can only be viewed by those who created them.

To format a message:

Synology Chat supports the following markdown codes. Hover your mouse over the "i" icon on the right of the text field to learn how to use these codes.

  • Emphasis
    Surround your text with *asterisks* to create bold text or _underscores_ to create italic text.
  • Strikethrough
    Surround your text with ~tildes~.
  • List
    Add an asterisk * followed by whitespace before each item in the list. Use the shortcut keys Shift + Enter every time you want to create a new line in the message to add a new item to the list.
  • Indentation or blockquote
    Add angle brackets to the beginning of a message.
    • > Add a single angle bracket to indent the first line of a message.
    • >>> Add three angle brackets to indent multiple lines and present the message as an extended quotation.
  • Fixed-width text
    Surround your message with backticks.
    • Use `single backticks` to display the surrounded text as formatted fixed-width text along with other text in the message.
    • Use ```triple backticks``` to display the surrounded text as a block of formatted, fixed-width text.
  • Hyperlink
    Enclose the text with opening and closing angle brackets, and separate the URL from the message with the vertical bar | symbol.
    For example: <https://www.this_is_a_sample_url.com|Click here!>

To start a third-party video conference:

  1. Enter /jitsi or /jumpchat in the text field of any channel or conversation to start a video conference from any of these two applications. The system will send the address of the video conference to the Chat channel or conversation.
  2. Members in the channel or conversation can join the video conference by clicking the address.


  • This feature integrates the services provided by third-party providers. To know more details, visit the official websites of these providers.

To create a calendar event or task:

You can create calendar events and tasks right from Chat with Synology Calendar installed on your Synology NAS. Setting details will be synchronized to your Synology Calendar.

  1. Click on the date and time mentioned in the message.
  2. Switch to the Event/Task tab and edit details.
  3. Click Create Event/Add task to complete the settings.

To add and manage a task in the calendar plug-in:

You can add and manage tasks in the calendar plug-in. Setting details will be synchronized to your Synology Calendar.

  1. Click Task (the tick icon) at the upper-right corner of the window.
  2. Enter a task name and fill in other details.