Getting Started

Welcome to Note Station. This section will quickly get you familiar with Note Station's layout by summarizing an overview of the user interface. A concise explanation of Note Station's structure will also be highlighted.

At the very top is a search box, the Create button, and Sync now! These features will be explained in detail later on. From left to right, Note Station is divided into three panels: menu panel, browser panel, and note panel.

The menu panel:

  • Favorites: Click to show the items (including notes, notebooks, and tags) added to Favorites.
  • To-do List: Click to view tasks that are starred, overdue, due today, or due in the next 7 days.
  • Note: Show All Notes and Shared Notes here.
  • Notebooks: Created notes can be grouped into notebooks for easy management. Shelf is also listed here.
  • Smart Notebooks: Click to show notes that meet the specified criteria.
  • Joined Notebooks: Click to show notes shared with you.
  • Tags: Display all tags from your created notes.
  • Recycle Bin: Deleted items will be moved here.

The browser panel:

  • This panel displays all your notes within an item selected from the menu panel.
    Note: If you select a shelf from the menu panel, you can view a list of notebooks within the selected shelf here.

The note panel:

  • This panel displays the contents of a selected note. You can start editing the contents of your notes by using the editing toolbar at the top of the panel.


  • There are a few items in the menu panel that you cannot add to Favorites: All Notes, Recycle Bin, All Shared Notes, and Joined Notes.
  • The structure of Note Station is such that all notes must exist in a certain Notebook. Notes cannot exist on their own, they are saved in My Notebook by default when not created in a specific notebook.
  • When viewing the To-do List, only the menu and task panels are displayed.

Back up and Restore

You can back up Note Station and restore it to a previous version via Hyper Backup.

To back up Note Station:

  1. Go to Hyper Backup > Create > Data backup task to create a backup task.
  2. Follow the Backup Wizard instructions, and choose Note Station when you are prompted to select applications to back up.
  3. After the backup task is complete, all current notebooks, notes, and settings will be backed up.

To restore Note Station:

  1. Go to Hyper Backup > Restore > Data to restore the desired backup task.
  2. After the restore task is complete, the backed up notebooks, notes, and settings will be restored. Existing notebooks, notes, and settings will be overwritten.


The backup and restore functions support DSM 5.1 (or later).

Manage Notes With Hotkeys

The following is a list of frequently used hotkeys that allow you to manage your notes efficiently. -->

On the menu/browser panel:

Hotkey Function
Ctrl + N Create notes (not available on Chrome)
Ctrl + Alt + L Copy note links
Ctrl + Shift + M Move notes
Ctrl + Alt + T Add tags
Ctrl + Shift + F Search
Ctrl + S Sync
Ctrl + Shift + I Show note info
Delete Move notes to Recycle Bin
Ctrl + Alt + Enter Presentation mode
Ctrl + Alt + 8 Add to/remove from Favorites
Ctrl + Shift + E Encrypt/decrypt notes
Ctrl + Shift + T Open the to-do list for the note (not available on Chrome)
Ctrl + P Print
F1 Open DSM Help

On the note panel:

Hotkey Function
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste as text (not available on Mac Client)
Delete Delete
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + F Search all notes
Ctrl + G Find next
Ctrl + Shift + G Find previous
Ctrl + L Align left
Ctrl + E Align center
Ctrl + R Align right
Ctrl + J Justify paragraph
Tab Increase indentation
Shift + Tab Decrease indentation
Ctrl + Shift + > Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease font size
Ctrl + Shift + Up Superscript
Ctrl + Shift + Down Subscript
Ctrl + Shift + B Bulleted list
Ctrl + Shift + O Numbered list
Ctrl + K Insert/edit links
Ctrl + Shift + R Remove links
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Open links
Ctrl + B Bold
Ctrl + I Italic
Ctrl + U Underline
Ctrl + T Strikethrough (not available on Chrome)
Ctrl + Shift + H Highlight
Ctrl + Shift + - Insert horizontal lines
Ctrl + Shift + C Insert checkboxes
Ctrl + Shift + Space Clear formatting
Alt + Shift + 1 Apply [Heading 1]
Alt + Shift + 2 Apply [Heading 2]
Alt + Shift + 3 Apply [Heading 3]
Alt + Shift + 4 Apply [Heading 4]
Alt + Shift + 5 Apply [Heading 5]
Alt + Shift + 6 Apply [Heading 6]
F2 Put focus to the note name field
F3 Put focus to the tag field


  • Some hotkeys are not supported in specific browsers and desktop clients.
Getting Started
Back up and Restore
Manage Notes With Hotkeys