How do I enable the Audio Station skill on Amazon Alexa?

How do I enable the Audio Station skill on Amazon Alexa?


This article will guide you through enabling the Audio Station skill on Amazon Alexa. With the Audio Station skill, you can play music using intuitive voice commands with an Alexa device.


Before you start

Before you proceed with the account linking setup on Amazon Alexa, please make sure the following operations are complete:

  • Sign in to DSM using an account belonging to administrators group1 and make sure it is running on DSM 6.2 or above.
  • Install Audio Station 6.5.5 or above.
  • In Audio Station, do the following operations:
    1. Go to Settings > Advanced to tick Enable Amazon Alexa service checkbox.
    2. Select the corresponding hostname, and specify the port if other than 443.
  • Update OAuth Service (installed by default with DSM 6.2) to version 1.0.0 or above.

In addition, your Synology NAS must be accessible from the Internet since audio files will be streamed via Amazon Alexa. To meet the requirements of Amazon Alexa, and meanwhile ensure the security of your Synology NAS, you need to complete the following operations as well:

  • Enable HTTPS connection (details).
  • Import a valid and trusted SSL certificate. A self-signed certificate will not be acknowledged.2

Set up account linking on Amazon Alexa

  1. Install Amazon Alexa app on your mobile device. You can also visit with a supported browser. (Learn more from Amazon's guide.)
  2. Sign in with your Amazon account.
  3. Go to Skills section, and search for Audio Station.
  4. Tap or click on Enable for Audio Station to start the account linking.
  5. Enter the corresponding address of your Synology NAS3, and specify the port number if other than 443.
  6. Enter your username and password of your Synology NAS.4
  7. Now you're ready to enjoy your music collections from Synology Audio Station with Amazon Alexa.

List of supported voice commands

With Audio Station skill, you use the voice commands below to play your songs, songs by a specific artist, an album, or playlists, as well as check the currently playing music.


Alexa, ask Audio Station + to play
+ [song name]5
the music
by [artist]
the album [album name]
the playlist [playlist name]
what's playing
what song is the song
what song is playing


Alexa, Starte Audio Station + und + suche/startet/spiele Musik von [artist]
das Album [album name]
die Playlist [playlist name]
Alexa, frage Audio Station was abgespielt wird
wie das Lied heißt


Alexa, demande à Audio Station + de + jouer
[titre de la chanson]
l'album [nom de l'album]
la liste de lecture/playlist [nom de la liste de lecture]
Qu'est ce qui est joué ?
Qu'elle est le morceau qui est joué ?
Qu'est ce qui est joué ?
Quel est la musique joué ?
Quel est le morceau joué ?
Quel est la piste joué ?
Quel est le titre joué ?
Quel est cette musique ?
Quel est le nom de cette musique ?
Quel est le nom de ce morceau ?
Quel est le nom de la piste ?
Quel est le titre de cette musique ?
Quel est le titre de ce morceau ?
Quel est le titre de la piste ?
C'est quoi le nom de la musique ?
C'est quoi le titre de la musique ? c'est quoi ce son ?
Quel est la musique en cours de lecture ?

During the playback, you can also control the Alexa device with the following voice commands:


Alexa, + pause
start over
shuffle on
shuffle off
loop on
loop off


Alexa + pause/unterbrechung/pausieren
stopp/hör endlich auf/aufhören
mach weiter/weiterlesen/fortsetzen
von vorne/neustart/beginne erneut
vorheriges/spiele das letzte
weiter/bitte geh zum folgenden kapitel/Bitte geh zum nächsten
aktiviere shuffle/start den shuffle mode
deaktiviere shuffle/stoppe shuffle
starte loop/aktiviere loop
deaktiviere loop/stoppe loop


Alexa + Pause/suspendre
recommencer/recommencer à zéro
lecture aléatoire activée/lecture aléatoire désactivée
boucle activé/boucle désactivé

Known limitations

  • Audio Station skill supports English (United States), English (United Kingdom), English (Canada), English (Australia), English (India) and German (Deutsch), French (France), and French (Canada). To edit language setting, please launch Amazon Alexa app and, in Settings, select the Alexa device you wish to change the language for.
  • Music playback via Alexa with IPv6 is not supported.
  • You cannot stream the same audio content to multiple Alexa devices at once with the same Amazon account.
  • To ensure the best compatibility with Amazon Alexa, any audio files in a format other than MP3 will be converted into 128kbps MP3.
  • Amazon Alexa service is not compatible with the following NAS models:
    • 13-series: DS413j, DS213, DS213air
    • 12-series: RS812, RS212, DS212+, DS212, DS212j, DS112+, DS112, DS112j
    • 11-series: DS111, DS211j, DS211, DS211+, DS411slim, DS411j, DS411, RS411


  1. Non-administrative users can still sign in to set up Alexa account linking, and play back their personal music.
  2. Audio Station skill of Amazon Alexa has been tested to work normally with the free SSL certificate Let's Encrypt. For further information on getting a free certificate from Let's Encrypt, please refer to this article.
  3. Your Synology NAS must be Internet-accessible via HTTPS connection with a valid and trusted SSL certificate.
  4. Every user with permission to Audio Station is able to stream personal music collection with Amazon Alexa. To configure user permissions to Audio Station, please go to DSM > Control Panel > Privileges.
  5. All matched results will be added to the playing queue. The maximum number is 500.
  6. The mobile app of Amazon Alexa for iOS/Android is only available in certain countries and regions.

Further reading

Before you start
Set up account linking on Amazon Alexa
List of supported voice commands
Known limitations
Further reading