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DSM 5.2-5565 Update 1

Publish Time: UTC+8

Last Updated: UTC+8



DSM 5.2 5565 Update 1 includes the following security fixes to address related security vulnerabilities:

  • Upgraded PHP to 5.5.25 to address multiple security vulnerabilities (CVE-2006-7243, CVE-2015-4021, CVE-2015-4022, CVE-2015-4024, CVE-2015-4025, and CVE-2015-4026).
  • Fixed a security vulnerability to prevent cross-site scripting attacks (XSS).


To fix the security issues, please go to DSM > Control Panel > Update & Restore > DSM Update and install DSM 5.2-5565 Update 1 or above to protect your DiskStation from malicious attacks. Completing this update will automatically restart your system.