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Active Backup for Google Workspace

DSM Version

Application component

Admin Console


  • Data backup for your Google Workspace services: My Drive, shared drives, Gmail, Google Contacts, and Google Calendar
  • A centralized management interface displaying comprehensive information: Real-time and historical protection of backup services, storage consumption, as well as data transmission history
  • Easy backup task management and auto-detection of newly created accounts and sites
  • Flexible backup with scheduled, manual, and continuous backup and retention policies with unlimited recovery points
  • Storage efficiency optimized via single instancing technology and block-level deduplication


  • Backup
    • Provides backups for various Google Workspace services:
      • My Drive and shared drives: Backs up files, file sharing permissions, and corresponding metadata, including last modified time, folder color, and file description
      • Mail: Backs up data stored on Gmail along with their attachments
      • Contacts: Backs up data stored on Google Contacts
      • Calendar: Backs up data stored on Google Calendar along with their attachments
    • Allows all or selected users within a tenant to be backed up in a task
    • Supports multi-tenant backup
    • Supported backup policies: Scheduled, manual, and continuous backup mode
    • Supported retention policies: Keeps versions for a user-defined period or forever
    • Storage efficiency
      • Single instancing: Supports files stored in My Drive, shared drive, mail attachments, and calendar attachments. Files containing identical content will only be transferred once and stored on your Synology NAS with only one copy
      • Block-level deduplication: Supports files stored in Btrfs volumes with the exception of encrypted shared folders to be deduplicated with their previous versions
      • Support list:
  Single instancing Block-level deduplication
Drive O O
Mail Attachment only X
Contacts X X
Calendar Attachment only X
  • Management
    • A centralized management interface displays comprehensive information: Real-time and historical protection of backup services, storage consumption, as well as data transmission history
    • Account discovery allows newly created users on Google Workspace to be automatically detected and selected for backup
    • Shared drive discovery allows newly added shared drives on Google Workspace to be automatically detected and selected for backup
    • Supports deleting backup data of services used by each user from Synology NAS
    • Sends notifications when a backup task is canceled, failed, completed, or partially completed, and when there is insufficient space available for the backup
    • Provides logs for backup, restoration, account discovery, and setting changes
  • Recommended models
    • To learn which Synology NAS might be suitable for your backup scenarios, you can refer to this article to learn more


  • Tasks deleted in versions earlier than 2.1.1 cannot be relinked
  • Files or folders will not be backed up or will be skipped by Active Backup for Google Workspace under the following circumstances:
    • The file/folder path on DSM is more than 4,016 characters
  • Files or folders will be renamed during backup but keep the same file/folder name or path on Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal under the following circumstances:
    • The file/folder name or path contains "#SynoVersionRepo", "#SynoRepo", or "#SynoVersions"
    • The name of any file or folder in the destination shared folder exceeds 255 characters
    • The name of any file or folder in the encrypted destination shared folder exceeds 143 characters
  • Files of the following online applications can be backed up but will be converted to the following formats:
Online application Backup format Restoration format
Google Docs .docx Google Docs
Google Sheets .xlsx Google Sheets
Google Slides .pptx Google Slides
Google Forms
(Files larger than 10 MB cannot be backed up)
.zip .zip
Google Drawings .jpeg .jpeg
Google Apps Script .json .json
Google Jamboard .pdf .pdf

Recovery Portal


  • Facilitates the recovery process by restoring or exporting a single mail, file, contact, and calendar instead of an entire backup task
  • Filters and previews backup data using keyword search (email attachments included)
  • Provides self-service restoration to reduce IT burden
  • Allows Google Secure LDAP users to sign in with their Google Workspace credentials


  • User privilege
    • All backup users can sign in to Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal
    • Users with admin privileges can restore or download all users' backup data
    • Users without admin privileges can only restore or download their own backup data
  • Data restoration
    • Drive: Supports restoring multiple files or folders at a time and restoring file sharing permissions
    • Mail: Supports restoring multiple mails, all mails with the same label, or an account's entire mailbox
    • Contacts: Supports restoring multiple contacts at a time
    • Calendar: Supports restoring multiple calendar events at a time
  • Data export
    • Drive: Supports exporting a single file or folder at a time
    • Mail: Supports exporting multiple mails in an .eml file or multiple attachments at a time
    • Contacts: Supports exporting multiple contacts in a .csv file at a time
    • Calendar: Supports exporting multiple calendars events in an .ics file at a time
  • Data and metadata can be restored to any user's My Drive and shared drives
    • File sharing permissions of My Drive can be restored to any user's My Drive
    • File sharing permissions of shared drives can be restored to any shared drives
  • Backup data preview
    • Mail: Supports previewing the content of an email with attachments
    • Contacts: Supports previewing a contact's information
  • Content search
    • Drive: Supports filtering files by filename
    • Mail: Supports filtering emails by sender, receiver, subject, keyword, date, and content within attachments. Supported attachment file types are as follows:
      • page/.key/.numbers
      • .rtf
      • Microsoft Office format (e.g., .docx/.doc,.pptx/.ppt), except for Microsoft Excel file format (.xlsx/.xls)
      • Text files (e.g., .cpp, .c, .txt)
      • .epub
      • .lit
      • .mobi/.azw3/.pdb/.prc
      • .pdf
      • .rar
      • .chm
      • .slk/.gnumeric
      • .eml/.msg
      • .7z/.bz2/.gz/.zip/.tgz/.tbz/.tar
    • Contacts: Supports filtering contacts by email address
    • Calendar: Supports filtering calendar events by organizer, title, and location


  • Cross-domain restoration is not supported
  • The following variables are not supported for content search:
    • Stop words, regardless of case: "a", "an", "and", "are", "as", "at", "be", "but", "by", "for", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "no", "not", "of", "on", "or", "such", "that", "the", "their", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "to", "was", "will", and "with"
    • Symbols: For example, "@", "#", "*", "/", and "\"
    • Punctuation marks: For example, "!", "?", and ":"
    • Emoji
    • Dates such as Birthday, Anniversary, and Other in Google Contacts
    • Regular expression