Synology Inc. is known for developing accessible, easy-to-use solutions for homes and businesses to facilitate their data storage and sharing needs. The logo of "Synology" is an important visual tool that allows customers to easily identify Synology's products and its compatibility with third-party products. This Synology Logo Guide will help you understand how to use the logo of “Synology” properly.
The "Synology" logo can be used only for the purpose of marketing and promotion of Synology's products or for showing a product’s compatibility or optimization with Synology’s products, if the requirements set forth in this Guide are complied. Please be advised that any use of the “Synology” logo that does not comply with this Guide would probably constitute a trademark infringement.
For the above purposes and upon compliance with the terms of this Guide, the "Synology" logo may be used on marketing materials, websites and etc. to promote or advertise products or peripherals that are compatible or optimized to work with Synology products, technologies, or services.
By using the "Synology" logo, you agree to the Synology Terms of Use, the guidelines included in this Synology Logo Guide, and all Synology rules and policies, as may be updated from time to time. You also acknowledge that Synology is the sole owner of the “Synology” logo and Synology's trademarks, promise not to interfere with or infringe Synology's rights in them, and acknowledge that goodwill derived from their use accrues only to Synology. Synology may review use of any materials with the “Synology” logo at any time and reserves the right to terminate or modify any such use.
This Guide does not grant any license to use any other Synology's trademarks, trade names, marks or logos other than the "Synology" logo. Without any written permission from Synology, any use of either of them or any use of the “Synology” logo beyond this Guide requires a written permission from Synology in advance.
The "Synology" logo consists of the word Synology as illustrated below.
Figure 1: The official Synology logo.
The "Synology" logo should be framed by an ample amount of clear space to ensure clarity and separate it from text, images, and other design elements. The clear space should be equal to the "S" in the logo.
Figure 2: A proper amount of clear space should surround the Synology logo.
The ideal representation of the "Synology” logo includes a mixture of gray and black text, as illustrated below. This version of the Synology logo should be used whenever possible. However, when placing the logo against different color backgrounds, you may consider using the all-gray, all-black, or all-white versions below, in order to optimize contrast and clarity.
Figure 3: Use one of the above color variations to maintain clarity.
The "Synology" logo should not be used in any manner that expresses or might imply Synology's sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of a third-party brand or product.
Figure 4: The Synology logo should not be used in any manner that might imply Synology's endorsement of a third-party brand or product.
Do not modify or dilute the "Synology" logo by adjusting its opacity; rotating or flipping it; separating its elements; adding borders or other effects; adding other text or marks; or altering it in any other way.
Figure 5: Please maintain visual consistency and do not modify the Synology logo.
Always display the following statement when using the "Synology" logo: “The “Synology” logo are trademarks of Synology, Inc., registered in the Republic of China (Taiwan) and other regions.”
You may wish to write about Synology and its products on your website or marketing communication. When doing so, please follow the guidelines below.
For more information about the use of the “Synology” logo, please contact