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Network SegmentationDistribute endpoints across different networks to achieve network isolation. Configure custom firewall rules, internet access policies, quality of service (QoS) rules, and other settings according to the purpose of each endpoint.Network SegmentationDivide and secureСоздайте и определите до 5 отдельных сетей VLAN и привяжите к ним до 15 идентификаторов Wi-Fi SSID (по 3 на сеть VLAN), чтобы ваши ПК, серверы и NAS были защищены от атак на более уязвимые устройства, такие как IoT-датчики или интеллектуальные устройства.Separate networksSeparate Wi-Fi SSIDsIsolatedBy default, networks are isolated from each other for maximum security. This means devices cannot communicate with devices connected to other Wi-Fi SSIDs. Different networks/VLANs can optionally be assigned to different physical ports on the router.One-wayEasily create firewall rules to bridge networks for specific purposes. For instance, only allow connections initiated from your NAS to communicate with your IP cameras, but not the other way around.OpenKeep communications between networks completely open. For example, if you manage a large number of devices that you wish to separate into different subnets for convenience.WPSAllow this convenient, but more vulnerable, connection method often seen on printers and cameras only on specific networks. For example, to accommodate guests and specific IoT devices with no other ways to connect.WPAMaximize security by enabling only WPA3 authentication on a wireless network with newer devices. Or set up a WPA-Enterprise network with a bridged fallback, such as for smart TVs and media casting targets.Control your networkEach network can be set up with different internet access policies, bandwidth limits, and other settings based on how you plan to use it.Safe Access​​Define per-device or network-wide profiles to protect devices against online threats and to limit internet use or allowed websites. Подробнее VPN Plus​​Define which networks clients connected via VPN Plus have access to. Use Site-to-site VPNs to bridge only a specific local network with a remote site. Подробнее Firewall and Traffic ControlDefine routing and port forwarding rules, and allocate bandwidth limits for each network to prioritize specific applications and devices. Подробнее Fits right into existing setupsAlready have your network defined? SRM 1.3 includes full 802.1q VLAN support so you can map custom networks and Wi-Fi SSIDs directly with your existing VLANs.Это возможно с маршрутизаторами SynologyНаши маршрутизаторы поддерживают сегментацию проводных и беспроводных сетей, Wi-Fi без помех, расширенные возможности ячеек и многое другое. Подробнее Примечания.Максимальное количество SSID определяется количеством радиомодулей Wi-Fi. Двухдиапазонные системы поддерживают до 10, трехдиапазонные до 15. Каждый радиомодуль поддерживает до 5 SSID.