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DSM 套件中心提供強大的資料備份、檔案協作、多媒體串流等資料管理工具,幫您依需打造專屬私有雲。其中,亦包含多項免授權費的商用套件,如一體機備份、即時通訊平台等,只要您的 Synology NAS 機型支援,即可直接從套件中心下載並安裝啟用。

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Domotz Network Monitoring

Domotz Pro is the premier Remote Monitoring and Management platform for the IoT World. Domotz offers powerful network management software for MSPs, Integrators, Security Professionals, and Business Owners. Domotz Pro is the complete solution to cost-effectively manage and monitor your customers networks with plug and play setup, a friendly UX, and a comprehensive feature set, accessible from any desktop browser, mobile device or through easy to use RESTful API. Relevant features include: Device Status monitoring and alerting, Secure Remote Connections to your IP devices (including Remote Desktop to PC, SSH and HTTP/s), Device Response Time, Automatic Network Topology Mapping, Network Diagnostics, Cyber-Security perimeter scans, Speed Test monitoring and more. Try it for free today on your NAS.

Domotz Inc2.6.0-0059


  • FS 系列:FS6400, FS3600, FS3400, FS3017, FS2017, FS1018
  • SA 系列:SA3600, SA3400, SA3200D
  • 21 系列:RS4021xs+, RS3621xs+, RS3621RPxs, RS2821RP+, RS2421RP+, RS2421+, RS1221RP+, RS1221+, DS1821+, DS1621xs+, DS1621+, DVA3221
  • 20 系列:RS820RP+, RS820+, DS1520+, DS920+, DS720+, DS620slim, DS420+, DS420j, DS220+, DS220j, DS120j
  • 19 系列:RS1619xs+, RS1219+, RS819, DS2419+II, DS2419+, DS1819+, DS1019+, DS419slim, DS119j, DVA3219
  • 18 系列:RS3618xs, RS2818RP+, RS2418RP+, RS2418+, RS818RP+, RS818+, DS3018xs, DS1618+, DS918+, DS718+, DS418, DS418play, DS418j, DS218+, DS218, DS218play, DS218j, DS118
  • 17 系列:RS18017xs+, RS4017xs+, RS3617xs+, RS3617RPxs, RS3617xs, RS217, DS3617xsII, DS3617xs, DS1817+, DS1817, DS1517+, DS1517
  • 16 系列:RS18016xs+, RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS816, DS916+, DS716+II, DS716+, DS416, DS416play, DS416slim, DS416j, DS216+II, DS216+, DS216, DS216play, DS216j, DS216se, DS116
  • 15 系列:RS815RP+, RS815+, RS815, RC18015xs+, DS3615xs, DS2415+, DS2015xs, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS1515, DS715, DS415+, DS415play, DS215+, DS215j, DS115, DS115j
  • 14 系列:RS3614xs+, RS3614RPxs, RS3614xs, RS2414RP+, RS2414+, RS814RP+, RS814+, RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214play, DS214se, DS114
  • 13 系列:RS10613xs+, RS3413xs+, DS2413+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+, DS413j, DS213, DS213j, DS213air
  • 12 系列:RS3412RPxs, RS3412xs, RS2212RP+, RS2212+, RS812RP+, RS812+, RS812, RS212, DS3612xs, DS1812+, DS1512+, DS712+, DS412+, DS212+, DS212, DS212j, DS112+, DS112, DS112j
  • 11 系列:RS3411RPxs, RS3411xs, RS2211RP+, RS2211+, RS411, DS3611xs, DS2411+, DS1511+, DS411+II, DS411+, DS411, DS411slim, DS411j, DS211+, DS211, DS211j, DS111