Physical server protection and recoveryImplement a reliable data protection solution to safeguard your physical servers to reduce downtime in the face of sudden data loss. Secure your physical servers for business continuity Companies often run multiple applications on physical servers containing mission-critical data that must be stored securely to prevent malware and sudden data loss. Perform and test your backups regularly to ensure they are available, can be retrieved anytime, and meet regulatory compliance.
Ransomware attack % of organizations experienced at least one ransomware attack over the past year
Physical server data loss % of organizations experienced data loss due to physical server failure, forcing them to close within 6 months
Monitor all physical servers on a unified platform Protect all your Windows Servers and Linux servers on a centralized platform to meet growing data demands as you scale your organization.
Boost your backup performance today
Speed up your backups Perform backups with speed by only backing up modified data, reducing backup sizes and overall backup time.
Over2X faster
Minimize data transfer Minimize data transfer to save redundant data transmission traffic.
-99%Data transmission
Maximize your storage capacity Eliminate duplicate data to optimize storage capacity.
50%Data reduction
Robust backup and recovery features to secure your physical servers
Mass deployment made easy Perform backups for large amounts of physical servers in one go by deploying a backup agent.
Back up your data automatically Take advantage of event or time-based backups to perform backups while simultaneously running your physical servers.
Built-in immutability With immutable capabilities available everywhere by default, data cannot be tampered with and can be stored for a certain period of time.
Restore your data in an instant Perform P2V restoration to instantly recover data and maintain business continuity, no matter what happens.
Restore entire devices or select files Maintain business continuity by leveraging bare-metal or file-level restoration to restore the data you need.
Self-service recovery portal Assign admin access to select employees so data can be retrieved on their own, as long as admin consent has been granted.
Reliable data recovery Verify, detect, and repair corrupt data Verify your backups to preserve an accurate copy of your data. In addition, detect data corruption via Btrfs checksums and restore corrupt data automatically with RAID volumes. Test your backups Create a sandboxed environment to run disaster recovery drills and test your data recovery plan to mitigate the risk of data loss.
Implement a multi-layered defense against ransomware Perform backups to a secure location Store copies of your data onto a backup appliance with ActiveProtect appliance or to the cloud with C2 Backup and implement the 3-2-1 backup strategy to prevent potential data loss. Preserve clean copies of your backups Leverage air-gap backups and immutability to store clean copies of your data that cannot be changed or deleted and can be recovered, in case of sudden data loss or malware attacks.
IT operations made simple Data management made easy Protect physical servers on a central platform via the cloud or a backup appliance. Manage and operate deployments with an intuitive user interface and monitor workloads centrally. Assign admin privileges to simplify IT tasks Delegate admin rights to select employees, allowing them to recover files and folders directly from the self-service recovery portal. Receive backup reports and notifications Stay up to date by receiving reports and notifications regularly to better monitor and track all your backups.
Product recommendations Backup as a Service Secure data directly to the cloud to reduce upfront costs. Store your data off-site and forget about maintenance efforts associated with hardware. Find out more Backup Appliance Safeguard data with an on-prem server. Store your data locally to meet compliance requirements and establish total data ownership.
Secure your data with our solutions today
Protected SaaS accounts
Protected endpoints & VMs
Trusted across industries worldwide, including more than half of Fortune 500 companies.
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Learn more about Synology’s backup solutions Backup solution guide Streamline your data backup and recovery process with versatile Synology solutions. Find out more ActiveProtect appliance enterprise buyer guide Select a backup appliance that fits your organization's requirements. Find out more C2 Backup security white paper Find out how Synology uses private keys and military-grade encryption to protect your data. Find out more Get started today Find a reseller Learn more Get in touch Contact us Notes: Study conducted by Veeam. Study conducted by IBT Learning. Performance figures have been obtained through internal testing by Synology Inc. Source-side deduplication has been used to eliminate redundant data to enable fast data transmission. These features are currently only available with Synology ActiveProtect appliance.