Complete protection for all your digital assets
Ensure efficient backup and recovery of your entire deployment.
Backup solutions that work for your business
Set up an effective and long-term data protection plan by addressing the needs of modern businesses.
Efficient storage management
Minimize storage consumption and reduce costs with advanced deduplication technologies.
Minimal disruption
Maximize service uptime through restoration methods that leave your systems virtually unaffected.
One-time cost
Keep critical data available without tying your business to recurring fees for every user or device.
Centralized solution
Manage all backup tasks from a single console and stay up to date with notifications and scheduled reports.
Smart protection
Keep backup time and bandwidth usage to a minimum with incremental backup, only copying data that has been changed.
Easy mass deployment
Add your IT assets easily and secure them through an intuitive, centralized interface.
Start protecting your deployment now
Discover how to back up each workload with Synology data protection solutions.