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Synology Photos

Whether you’re a professional photographer or amateur creator, Synology Photos comes with all the tools you need to manage your photos efficiently. Automated tools help you group, filter, organize, and share your content, while keeping your memories safe and secure. Watch Video

All-in-one photo management

Folder or timeline view

Browse your photos chronologically or according to folder structure. Switch any time you want.

Folder or timeline view

Filter by properties

Filter photos by time and date, camera model, lens, and other parameters to instantly display results.

Filter by properties

Private or shared storage

Let each account manage its own photo storage or enable Shared Space to support collaboration.

Private or shared storage
Organize photos with albums Label photos into different Synology Photos albums without duplicating underlying files. Choose from three types: Automatic albums Browse automatically generated albums grouped using facial recognition, geolocation, tags, file types, and upload date. Conditional albums Set custom conditions and let Synology Photos group matching images and videos in real time. Custom albums Select photos and videos from any folder to create easily accessible photo collections.

Securely share your photos

Good things are meant to be shared. Securely share photos with other users or anyone else while restricting file access.

Share as album

Create share links and let other users or outsiders view your photo albums easily in any web browser.

Secure share links

Set passwords or expiry dates for each link to restrict access to your photos and customize privacy settings for each shared album.

Faster image browsing

Overall performance enhancements ensure a faster, smoother experience.

Lightbox mode

Displaying images in lightbox mode is three times faster in Synology Photos than in Moments.

Timeline browsing

Continuous loading means the timeline view browsing experience remains smooth even at tens of thousands of photos per day.

Faster image browsing

Keep your memories within reach

Back up mobile shots

Enable mobile backup and synchronize all images on your Android or iOS device to Synology NAS. Free up space on your device without losing content.

Back up mobile shots

Browse photos on the move

Viewed photos are cached and can be browsed even without internet connection.

Browse photos on the move

The bigger, the better

Cast images and videos to your TV via AirPlay or Chromecast and make your content come to life.

The bigger, the better

Experience Synology Photos

Scan the QR code to download for Android or iOS.

Android QRcode
iOS QRcode

Get started with DSM 7.0

Upgrade to our all-new operating system and discover a world of new features.3

Notes: Facial Recognition is only supported on select models. For a detailed comparison of features in Synology Photos, Photo Station, and Moments, see this article. Before upgrading, please review the release notes for important information about deprecated or removed features and add-on packages, and make sure to back up any important data.