What's New
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Cloud Station beta (Available in Package Center)
ezCloud Service:
Applications Modularization:
Six previously built-in applications - Photo Station, Audio Station, Download Station, Media Server, iTunes Server, and Surveillance Station - are now modularized to be independent packages, and they can be installed or updated separately without interrupting services running on DSM.
iSCSI LUN Backup:
Desktop Widgets:
Seven new widgets are now introduced onto DSM desktop – System Health, Resource Monitor, Scheduled Backup, Storage, Current Connections, System Logs and File Change Logs. You will get an overview of system status and monitor the activities of your Synology DiskStation right after the login.
User Interface Enhancements with HTML 5 and CSS3 Transform:
Application Portal:
You can customize the alias or HTTP port for Audio Station, File Station, Surveillance Station or Download Station, meaning you may now skip the DSM login page for better privacy and offer an easier way to share these services with your friends.
Antivirus Essential (Available in Package Center):
File Station Enhancements:
Surveillance Station 5 Enhancements:
Photo Station 5 Enhancements:
Download Station Enhancements:
Media Indexing Service:
VPN client is now available to allow you to securely access the resources shared within VPN server's local area network, over the Internet. VPN client supports both PPTP and OpenVPN protocol.
VLAN support:
Hotspot: (not available on all 08 series, DS109j, and DS209j)
Connection Manager:
A real-time connection list is now added to allow you to monitor who is accessing your data and kill the connections of unwanted users. It is supported in DSM, FTP, Samba, and AFP protocols, as well as shown as the widget on DSM desktop.
Configuration Backup Enhancements:
VMware vSphere 5.0 VAAI Support:
Atomic Test & Set (ATS) supported to eliminate LUN-level locking based on SCSI reservations and improve data access performance.
DHCP Server: (Available in Package Center)
SMART Test Scheduler:
SMART test by schedule is now available to scan HDD for potential risks on a timely basis to prevent data crisis.
Improved NTFS Performance:
data transfer rate between NTFS external disks and DiskStation can be 3.7 times as fast as DSM 3.2. The speed test result of writing data to the eSATA drive connected to DiskStation with NTFS partition is listed below:
DiskStation / DSM version | DSM 3.2 | DSM 4.0 |
DS1512+ | 40.88 MB/s | 110.66 MB/s |
DS212+ | 15.36 MB/s | 56.98 MB/s |
Improved Server Response Time (only available on DiskStation with 5 or more bays):
Now it only takes 7 seconds for server to respond from HDD hibernation.
ARM Performance Improvements over iSCSI:
iSCSI data transfer rate on ARM-based DiskStation with RAID 1 disk groups or data volumes is significantly improved by a maximum of 21%. The test result of iSCSI writing is listed below:
DiskStation / DSM version | DSM 3.2 | DSM 4.0 |
DS212+ | 85.94MB/s | 96.55MB/s |
DS212 | 78.43MB/s | 95.94MB/s |
DSM mobile Enhancements:
Auto Block, User Groups management, Mounting/unmounting encrypted shared folders, running/stopping packages, iSCSI LUN monitor, and the complete resource monitor are now added.
iPhone/iPad Apps Upgrade: (Available on Apple® App Store)
Android Tablet Support: (Available on Android® Market)
Windows Phone Support: (Coming soon on Windows Phone® Marketplace)
Kindle Fire support: (Available on Amazon® App Store): DS photo+, DS audio, DS cam, DS file and DS finder are now supported on Amazon Kindle Fire.
Browser Support:
VPN client supports 1 active connection and up to 16 profiles.
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Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR) Enhancements: SHR volume can now be ready to use within minutes upon creation, 95% faster comparing to traditional SHR volume creation.
DiskStation/DSM version | DSM 3.1 | DSM 3.2 |
DS211+ (2TB SHR volume) | 6 hrs 41 min | 9 min |
DS1010+ (8TB SHR volume) | 9 hrs 36 min | 28 min |
Time Backup Enhancements: Remote destination is now supported to help you back up multiple versions onto another DiskStation over LAN for disaster recovery.
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New Features
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New Features
Storage Manager
Shared Folder Sync: Shared Folder Sync allows you easily sync the shared folders from one DiskStation to another. The sync can be triggered by the modification on the files, or you can schedule the sync task according to needs, and retain the mirror shared folders on the destination DiskStation.
File Browser Enhancements:
Multifunction Printer Support (available for Windows environment): Multifunction printer is now supported to allow the print/fax/scan functions on your multifunction printer to be shared among family members or colleagues over the same network. For the complete list of supported printers, please see here.
Backup and Restore Enhancements:
Auto DSM Update: Auto DSM update is newly added to automatically check the latest DSM version available for your DiskStation, and allows you always update to the latest operating system upon your approval.
Management Enhancements:
Mail Server: Mail server is now built inside the operating system, DiskStation Manager 3.1, providing POP3/IMAP and SMTP services, you may now manage your emails on your favorite email clients such as Microsoft Outlook or Mac’s Mail.
Mail Station 2 Package:
Download Station 3:
Audio Station 3:
Photo Station Enhancements:
Surveillance Station Enhancements:
iPhone App:
iPad App:
EZ-Internet Router Supporti: More than 40 router models from Netgear, Buffalo, TP-Link, Trendnet, and other brands are now supported. For the complete list of supported routers, please see here.
New Features on Synology Assistant 3.1-1593
Change log on Data Replicator 3 (v147)
(i) Some routers and ISPs may not be supported. Check the supported router list in the Special Notes.
Special Notes
Browser Support:
The encrypted share is not supported in the shared folder sync function.
The maximum number of Share Folder Sync task for different DiskStations is set as below:
The maximum volumes can be created on DiskStation is set as below:
Telnet/SSH services can only be accessed by the “admin” account.
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New Features
Personalized Web Desktop:
Multitasking: Users can run multiple applications simultaneously on Desktop and switch between them instantly. Multitasking support saves users from the constant wait of refreshing the whole webpage. All running applications are placed on the task bar.
File Browser:
iSCSI Enhancements:
Surveillance Station 5:
Audio Station Enhancements:
File Station Enhancements:
Photo Station Enhancement: Google map function is enhanced, allowing browsing multiple locations where all the photos are taken within the same album if the geo-information is available.
iPhone App (Free download on Apple®App Store):
Android Phone Applications (Free download on Google® Android Market):
WebDAV: Web-based Distribution Authoring and Versioning is added to allow users to manage and edit files on DiskStation remotely with the support of content metadata and overwrite protection. It helps a disperse group of users around the world work on the same project as a team, which will greatly increase the effectiveness of group collaboration.
PHP Enhancements:
EZ-Internet Router Support1: More than 60 router models from Netgear, Buffalo, TP-Link, DrayTek, and other brands are now supported. View the complete list here.
Enhanced NFS Performance: The NFS upload performance is improved by a maximum of 43.14%2:. The test results are listed below:
Model | DS710+ | DS409+ | DS410j |
Max. Upload Improvement | 43.14% | 10.38% | 24.02% |
PHP Upgrade: PHP is upgraded to 5.3.2.
Data Replicator 3 (v.145) Enhancements:
(1) Some routers and ISPs may not be supported.
(2) They are the test results from the Synology lab with asynchronous support enabled in NFS.
Special Notes
Browser Support:
File Station is now only supported on the customized port to provide independent access to individuals.
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New Features
This firmware can only be applied to DiskStation with DSM 2.1 or DSM 2.2 firmware. Download DSM 2.3-1139 at: Americas/Europe, Asia
New Volume Manager:
EZ-Internet: The EZ-Internet Wizard is now available for guiding through the steps to establish access to DiskStation from the Internet, including firewall settings, PPPoE setup, DDNS registration, and router port forwarding configuration*. The "Router Configuration" feature is also available on the management UI under "Internet Connection" category, which accomplishes the port forwarding tasks on the router for you. View the supported router list here.
Backup Enhancements:
File Station 3:
Surveillance Station 4:
iPhone Support: A new iPhone app, DS cam, is available on Apple® App Store for free. DS cam allows users who own an iPhone/iPod touch to live view the IP cameras (in MJPEG format), take snapshots, and view recorded events on your Surveillance Station whenever network connection is available.
Photo Station 4:
Audio Station 2:
Download Station Enhancements: MegaUpload download with a premium account is supported.
Management UI Enhancements:
Wireless Support: With the supported wireless dongles, the DiskStation will be accessible via 802.11b/g/n wireless connectivity. Both the infrastructure and Ad-Hoc modes are supported. View the supported USB wireless dongle list here.
Major Changes of Synology Data Replicator 3 (v.142)
* Some routers and ISPs may not be supported.
Special Notes
Browser Support:
Surveillance Station 4 newly supports the following IP cameras:
After firmware upgrade, the system will automatically create additional thumbnails for all photos stored in "photo" shared folder. Photo Station service will not be affected.
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Surveillance Station 3:
(10732) Fixed DiskStation duplicated icons issue when Time Machine is enabled on Mac computers.
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New DLNA Compliant Media Server:
iPhone Support: 2 iPhone applications are available on Apple® App Store for free:
Mobile Photo Station & File Station: Supports viewing photos and reading supported file formats stored on DiskStation with a mobile device whenever the Internet is available. Windows Mobile 6.0 (Internet Explore Mobile or Opera 9.0 and onward), iPhone OS 2.2.1 and onward (Safari) or Symbian OS 9.1, S60 3rd Edition and onward are required.
Windows ADS Support(2) Enhancements:
Surveillance Station Enhancements:
iTunes Server Enhancements:
Download Station Enhancements:
Photo Station Enhancements:
Web Station Enhancement: Added PHP cache option.
Management Enhancements:
UPS Setting Enhancement: You can now set up the time period before the server enters safe mode after a power failure.
System Upgrade:
Czech Support: Czech localization is now added to DSM 2.2, Synology Assistant, Synology Data Replicator 3, and Synology Download Redirector.
(1) iSCSI is not supported on DS109j, DS108j, DS107 and DS107e.
(2) Windows ADS is not supported on DS109j, DS209j, DS108j and DS107e.
(3) 12 cameras support: DS509+, RS409+, RS409RP+, DS409+, DS209+II, DS109+
8 cameras support: RS409, DS409, DS409slim, DS209, DS109
Extra licenses are required.
(4) Native-format is suggested. On FAT32 disks, single file size is limited to 4GB. And NTFS disks are not supported.
(5) Writing data to an NTFS external HDD is not supported on DS109j, DS108j, DS107 and DS107e.
(6) Synology Assistant will not be able to find the DiskStation after changing the management UI port. This bug will be fixed in later version of Synology Assistant.
Special Notes
Browser Support:
The "Shutdown/Restart" button is moved to the top-right corner of each activated applications.
Surveillance Station 3 newly supports the following IP cameras:
To ensure proper operation of Photo Station, using File Station 2 to modify sub-folder privileges for "photo" shared folder is disabled.
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(1) The installation of Adobe Flash Player 9 or onward on the client PC is pre-requisite.
(2) Available on the cameras with audio support.
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(1) The client PC must be installed with Adobe Flash Player 8 or onward to play the streamed music; only .mp3 audio files are supported by Flash Player.
(2) The client PC must be installed with Cooliris browser plug-in.
Special Notes
Major Changes of Synology Data Replicator 3
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Enhanced AFP Performance: The AFP download performance is improved by a maximum of 89%, and upload 72%(2). The test results are listed below:
**Model** | **DS108j** | **DS207+** | **DS508** |
Max. Download Improvement | 89% | 21% | 49% |
Max. Upload Improvement | 10% | 15% | 72% |
Enhanced Photo Station 3: The performance of thumbnail browsing has been improved. The Google AdSense, calendar-based article browsing, and sticky articles are added to the blogging system.
(1) The best test result from the Synology lab and compared with DSM 2.0-0598.
(2) They are the test results from the Synology lab.
(3) Your Digital Media Adapter must also support FLAC format.
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