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Automatic backups are key to the work of a company no matter its size. In addition, the Synology OS is easy to use and can be learnt with ease.

You start taking backups seriously once you lose all your files. 

Bogdan Manolache - Editor-in-Chief at Tech Legend

Due to the fast growth of content generated by the company, a steady supply of archiving was required. Regular storage media is insufficient and inadequate for such a volume of files. Every single time a manual backup and update of the archive was done there was a high risk that the entire archive would be corrupted or otherwise damaged. 
The ideal solution is an automated system that will backup and update the backup daily. However, this system also needs to work with a secure internet connection and notify the user of each backup.

"You start taking backups seriously once you lose all your files."
Bogdan Manolache

Bogdan found out about Synology solutions on the internet, while searching for methods of creating an automatic backup system. It was decided to go with the DS720+ model. Synology DS720+ is used on a single closed loop network with one client. This NAS is used to backup the long term storage data and the live daily used data of the company. 
The RAID 0 system is used to mirror two 8TB Hard Drives inside the Synology NAS. Due to this nature of this configuration, all data preserved with the NAS is safe from corruption even in the event of a sudden loss of power or internet connection. 

Thanks to the Synology DS720+, the data backups are done with ease daily and securely. Thanks to its small footprint, the Synology DS720+ does not interfere with the daily operations. Files are no longer manually backed up to external drives. 

"Automatic backups are key to the work of a company no matter its size. In addition, the Synology OS is easy to use and can be learnt with ease."  
Bogdan Manolache

The Customer

Tech Legend is a small media company that handles over 40 different manufacturers and tech firms. The company was founded in 2014. Since then, it has been performing tech reviews for multiple companies and with a wide audience across multiple platforms. The main company activity are tech reviews for computer components and accessories. In addition, the company has been branching into photography and film accessories. 

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