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Bee Series by Synology
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Synology Office

DSM Version



  • A suite of tools including Spreadsheet, Document, and Slides designed for real-time collaboration among team members


  • Provides handy text formatting functions
  • Customizable permission settings for folders and files to be set as private, internal, or public, and granting specific users viewing, editing, commenting, or managing permissions
  • Available file importing formats
    • Synology Spreadsheet: .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, .xls, .xlt, .ods, .ots, .csv
    • Synology Document: .docx, .doc, .odf, .rtf (pre-installation of Document Viewer required)
    • Synology Slides: .pptx, .ppt, .odp (pre-installation of Document Viewer required)
  • Available file exporting formats
    • Synology Spreadsheet: .xlsx, .ods, .pdf
    • Synology Document: .docx, .odt, .pdf
    • Synology Slides: .pptx, .odp, .pdf
  • Provides file revision history which allows to restore to any previous versions
  • Supports commenting tools for workplace collaboration
  • Supports shortcut commands for increased efficiency
  • Encrypted with AES-256 standard to protect confidential contents
  • Synology Office Extension in Google Chrome allows for copying and pasting content via context menu (available here)
  • Integrated with instant message application Synology Chat for interactive commenting and to increase collaboration efficiency
  • Synology Office can be backed up via Synology package Hyper Backup to local or remote destinations and restore settings and data to a previous point of time
  • Recommended number of users: up to 3,400
    • The recommended number of users may different among Synology NAS models, and can be found in each model's product specifications

Application component



  • A tool to process data in high efficiency using built-in functions such as formulas, charts, formats, etc.


  • Supports organizing data by data validation, conditional formatting, defining range name, data filtering, and freezing/hiding columns and rows
  • Supports over 300 functions (list)
  • Supports previewing of data calculations, such as sum, average, count, of a range of cells
  • Supports visual presentation of data via charts or images, as well as the ability to insert links to specific worksheets and cell ranges
  • Prevents unauthorized changes to data by using protected sheets and ranges function
  • Filter view allows users to view Spreadsheet with filters without affecting other users who are viewing the same Spreadsheet
  • Supports setting locale for localized currency and data formats with additional options for customization


  • The maximum number of total cells per spreadsheet
    • For Synology NAS with < 4 GB of system memory: 2,000,000
    • For Synology NAS with ≥ 4 GB of system memory: 5,000,000



  • A tool for writing and organizing text which allows for team collaboration with different viewing modes and is equipped with a variety of handy editing functions


  • Supports editing, viewing, and revising modes for team collaboration with the option to hide comments
  • Customizable header styles, as well as line and paragraph spacing
  • Customizable table styles such as border color and width
  • Supports numbered lists and bulleted lists with customizable prefixes and suffixes, multiple list levels, and restarting or continuing lists
  • Option to insert table of contents, tables, charts, shapes, and images
  • Supports the display of outlines, page layout settings, headers, footers, and page numbers to allow for quick overviews
  • Supports the use of the revision inspection tool in various modes (All markup, Simple markup, No markup, Original) to review revisions and accept and reject any revisions at once
  • Option to create a Personal Dictionary and use spell check and word count to ensure professionalism and content quality
  • Supports visual presentation of ideas via images, which can be edited by cropping, rotation, border style, and layout
  • Supports converting between Traditional and Simplified Chinese without using translation tools
  • Supports printing and print preview with page separators


  • The following functions are not supported when the header and footer are being edited:
    • Adjust heading styles
    • Insert comments, charts, tables of contents, and shapes
  • The maximum number of characters per document is 1 million



  • A presentation tool with a rich set of built-in templates, themes, and styles


  • Supports presenter view, slide view, and speaker notes, to help with smooth presentation delivery
  • Customizable slide master to quickly apply the same style to all pages, including layout, colors, fonts, and headings
  • Provides a wide range of colors to choose from for the background and a collection of built-in themes for a polished presentation look
  • Option to insert text boxes, tables, charts, shapes, images, and slide number
  • Option to insert transition and animation effects to make the presentation more eye-catching and to capture the audience's attention
  • Supports content editing tools, including grouping objects or adjusting object order/alignment
  • Supports adjustable line and paragraph spacing for texts
  • Supports numbered lists and bulleted lists with customizable prefixes and suffixes, multiple list levels, and restarting or continuing lists
  • Supports image editing functions, including cropping, rotation, border style, and layout adjustment
  • Customizable table styles such as border color and width
  • Supports showing gridline to easily align objects
  • Option to create a Personal Dictionary and use spell check to ensure professionalism and content quality