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Release Notes for Presto File Server

Presto File Server is a package designed to deliver high-speed file transfer, regardless of latency and distance between a Synology NAS server and a computer or between any two Synology NAS servers when transferring over WAN. With Presto File Server, you can monitor user connections in real-time, better control the data arrival time with bandwidth settings, and schedule your tasks with Synology Presto Automator. Presto File Server License is required for package use, and a one-time 30-day free trial can be activated on every Synology NAS model.

Version: 2.1.2-1667


Fixed Issues

  1. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.1.2-1665


Compatibility & Installation

  1. Presto Server 2.1.2 requires DSM 7.2 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the current connections might not be displayed properly.

Version: 2.1.2-0601


Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities.(Synology-SA-22:19)

Version: 2.1.2-1601


Fixed Issues

  1. Minor bug fixes.
  2. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities.(Synology-SA-22:19)

Version: 2.1.2-1600


Compatibility & Installation

  1. Presto Server 2.1.2-1600 requires DSM 7.1 or versions above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.1.1-1593


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 7.0.

What's New

  1. Added support for ECC certificates.

Version: 2.1.1-0583


Important Note

  1. This update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on regions.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where users might not able to set schedules when creating Site Express tasks.
  2. Fixed an issue where the Site Express, Activity, and Settings page might not display properly in Internet Explorer.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.1.0-0427


Important Note

  1. This update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where Presto File Server can continue to transfer files even after the destination has reached its quota limit.

  2. Fixed the issue where uploading a large file from Synology Presto Client to encrypted folders might cause Synology Presto Client to disconnect.

  3. Fixed the issue where the average transfer speed might be displayed incorrectly when the rule "Skip" is set for filename conflict in Site Express.

Version: 2.0.1-0335

  1. Fixed the issue where the transfer logs might not display start and end times correctly.

Version: 2.0.0-0332


What's New

  • Presto File Server supports high-speed file transfer between Synology NAS models.
  • Supports backing up and restoring Presto File Server via Hyper Backup.
  • Supports Ubuntu 18.04.
  • Supports new scheduling option.
  • Report deletion is now available.
  • Enhanced the performance for transferring a large number of small size
  • files.

    Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue where transfer tasks might fail when the server was extremely busy.
  • Fixed an issue where the report delivery link did not update accordingly when changes were made to DSM connection settings.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Version: 1.3.1-0235


    What’s New

    • Enhanced the performance for transferring large amount of small files.

    Version: 1.3.0-0229


    What's new

    • Supports centralized policy management for clients connected to Presto File Server. 

    • Supports clients to log in anonymously. 

    • Supports multiple filename conflict policies, allowing transferred files to be overwritten, skipped, or renamed when filename conflicts occur.

    • Supports automatically migrating license keys when a license is migrated to another clustered machine. 

    • Supports downloading files and client installers for all the supported platforms directly from Presto File Server.

    • Launched Presto Automator, which is a scheduling service feature powered by Synology Internet Transfer Accelerator (SITA).

    Version: 1.2.1-0165


    Thai user interface is now available.

    Version: 1.2.0-0163


    What's New

    • Supports minimum bandwidth configuration to better predict and control the required file transfer time.
    • Supports MTU discovery, minimizing performance impact over VPN.
    • Enhanced the mechanism to resume a transfer task after network disconnection. 
    • Supports more detailed log events including task cancellation, network disconnection, successful file transfer, and failed file transfer. 
    • Added information of device name, client type, geo-location, and latency to the Overview tab. 

    Fixed issues

    • Fixed an issue where users without the permission to traverse folders or execute files cannot upload or download data from folders. 
    • Fixed an issue where moving files on the server may be mistakenly recorded as a renamed event in system logs. 
    • Fixed an issue where passwords with special characters may cause account authentication to fail when activating the free trial. 

    Version: 1.1.2-0109


    What’s new

    • Now supports MTU discovery to achieve the most stable high-speed file transfers under existing environments 

    Fixed issues

    • Fixed a problem where the files under traverse folders cannot be accessed
    • Added new error messages to offer more precise troubleshooting when server authentication failed

    Version: 1.1.1-0105


    Fixed issues

    • Fixed an issue where passwords containing special characters may fail to pass the password verification when activating the free trial. 
    • Fixed an issue where the free trial may be mistakenly identified as expired when activating it.

    Version: 1.1.0-0101

    1. Supports in-app purchase of licenses or activating a 30-day free trial on Presto File Server. 
    2. Supports DSM6.1 and onward.

    What’s New 

    • Supports bandwidth control on Presto File Server.
    • Supports kicking specific client connection from Presto File Server.  
    • Supports IPv6
    • Supports 2-step verification