使用 Google Calendar 匯入精靈或上傳從其他服務匯出的 .ics 檔案,將重要事項移轉至 Calendar。
Get startedWe're here to assist you with any questions or information you may require.Synology Calendar Web APIEasily integrate and manage calendar events in business systems, enhance cross-platform coordination.了解詳情Live consultationGet in contact with our team of experts for more informationContact usCalendar demoTry out Synology Calendar in the DiskStation Manager online demo.Try for free
How do I install Synology Calendar?
您可以透過 套件中心輕鬆安裝 Synology Calendar,同時您也可以於此免費安裝、啟用多種資料管理、協作與備份應用,打造專屬的 Synology 私有雲儲存系統。
What Synology models support Synology Calendar?
Does Synology Calendar require licensing fees?
Synology Calendar 是一個無需授權費用的行事曆工具,在適用的 Synology NAS 型號皆可免費下載使用。
What platforms does Synology Calendar support?
Synology Calendar is available via the web portal and is integrated in the MailPlus app for mobile devices and tablets (iOS, iPadOS, and Android™).
How do I sync Synology Calendar with CalDAV clients?
Synology Calendar 目前支援與 Mozilla Thunderbird、Microsoft Outlook 及 Android、iOS 和 macOS 上的 CalDAV 用戶端進行事件和任務同步。 請按這裡查看逐步指南。Migrate to Synology Calendar todayFrom Microsoft ExchangeLearn moreFrom Google WorkspaceLearn more注意:需使用第三方應用套件。