How do I install Synology Chat?
您可以透過 套件中心輕鬆安裝 Synology Chat,同時您也可以於此免費安裝、啟用多種資料管理、協作與備份應用,打造專屬的 Synology 私有雲儲存系統。
What platforms can Synology Chat be used on?
Synology Chat is available for PC clients (Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu), mobile devices and tablets (iOS and Android™), and online through your browser.
Does Synology Chat require licensing fees?
Synology Chat is a license-free instant messaging tool. It's included in the Synology NAS you purchase.
Synology Chat 的最大同時使用者數量和最大使用者數量是多少?
每個型號所支援 Synology Chat 的效能有所不同。請參閱此頁右上方適用型號,或查看您 NAS 的產品頁面,前往軟體規格列表,了解更多詳情。 了解更多
Synology Chat 支援哪些類型的通訊?
Synology Chat 支援以下通訊類型,以滿足工作環境的需求:
1-1 and group conversation: Instantly create conversations anytime, anywhere.
Public and private channels: Create new channels to gather all users and ensure consistent information distribution.
Does Synology Chat support video/audio conferencing or calling functions?
Synology Chat currently supports third-party meeting software like Jitsi. You can initiate Jitsi meetings by entering the slash command '/Jitsi'.
注意:Jitsi 是第三方應用程式。