Products A-Z ApplicationsApplicationsClients and PluginsMobile ApplicationsApplicationsExplore a wide range of Synology applications and solutions for data management, backup, and more.Active Backup for BusinessActive Backup for Google WorkspaceActive Backup for Microsoft 365Active InsightAdvanced Media ExtensionsAntivirus by McAfeeAntivirus EssentialAudio StationBitdefender for MailPlusCentral Management SystemCloud SyncDHCP ServerDNS ServerDNS Server for SRMDocument ViewerDownload StationDownload Station for SRMFile StationGlacier BackupHybrid ShareHyper BackupHyper Backup VaultiTunes ServerLDAP ServerLog CenterMail StationMedia ServerMedia Server for SRMMigration AssistantNote StationOAuth ServicePDF ViewerPresto File ServerProxy ServerRADIUS Server for SRMSafe AccessSAN ManagerSecure SignIn ServiceSMB ServiceSMI-S ProviderSnapshot ReplicationSSO ServerStorage AnalyzerSurveillance StationSynology CalendarSynology Chat ServerSynology ContactsSynology Directory ServerSynology Drive ServerSynology High AvailabilitySynology Mail ServerSynology MailPlusSynology MailPlus ServerSynology OfficeSynology PhotosSynology Router ManagerText EditorThreat PreventionUniversal SearchUniversal ViewerUSB CopyVideo StationVirtual Machine ManagerVPN Plus ServerVPN ServerWeb StationWebDAV ServerClients and PluginsAccess DSM solutions directly from Windows, Linux, and Mac.Active Backup for Business Agent (DSM)Synology Chat ClientSynology Drive ClientSynology Note Station ClientSynology Presto ClientSynology SSL VPN ClientSynology Surveillance Station ClientMobile ApplicationsHandy mobile apps to access Synology DSM and SRM features while on the go.Active Insight AppDS audio AppDS cam AppDS file AppDS finder AppDS get AppDS note AppDS router AppDS video AppLiveCam AppSecure SignIn AppSynology Chat AppSynology Drive AppSynology MailPlus AppSynology Photos AppVPN Plus App