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Synology-SA-17:31 Samba

Publish Time: UTC+8

Last Updated: UTC+8



CVE-2017-11103 allows attackers who has control of the network between a client and the service to impersonate a Samba service to steal sensitive data.



  • Products
    • DSM 6.1
    • DSM 6.0
    • DSM 5.2
    • DSM 5.1
    • SRM 1.1
  • Models
    • All Synology models


Heimdal before 7.4 allows remote attackers to impersonate services with Orpheus' Lyre attacks because it obtains service-principal names in a way that violates the Kerberos 5 protocol specification. In _krb5_extract_ticket() the KDC-REP service name must be obtained from the encrypted version stored in 'enc_part' instead of the unencrypted version stored in 'ticket'. Use of the unencrypted version provides an opportunity for successful server impersonation and other attacks. NOTE: this CVE is only for Heimdal and other products that embed Heimdal code; it does not apply to other instances in which this part of the Kerberos 5 protocol specification is violated.



Update Availability

To fix the security issue, please update DSM 6.1 to 6.1.3-15152-1 or above, update DSM 6.0 to 6.0.3-8754-4 or above, update DSM 5.2 to 5.2-5967-4 or above and update SRM 1.1 to1.1.4-6509-03 or above.

For DSM 5.1 users, please update to DSM 5.2 (5.2-5967-4)
