User management and security

User management and security

Powerful domain, system, and identity management features in DSM 7.0 help you guard and maintain your devices and systems efficiently as your business or project grows.

Highly available directory server

Add a secondary domain controller to Synology Directory Server to take over in case of unexpected disruptions and provide added capacity.

Round-the-clock protection

Replicate all data from one domain controller to another every five minutes. Ensure that all domain services remain available in case of domain controller failure.


Load balancing

Automatically distribute sign-in requests to both controllers via DNS services. Bolster directory service performance and prevent overloading.


Cost-effective structure

Set up a dual domain controller structure with any two compatible Synology NAS. No need to use identical models.


Secure SignIn app

Download Secure SignIn

Scan the QR code to download for Android or iOS.


Get notified of suspicious logins

DSM account login analysis can send users mobile notifications when suspicious login activities are detected.


Sync to Synology Account

Securely store Approve sign-in accounts and one-time password (OTP) profiles to your Synology Account in case you lose your mobile device.1

Flexible administrative role delegation

Delegate predefined roles to non-administrator users and spend less time managing IT resources. Task designated users with managing only specific system services.

Account and shared folder management

Let delegated users manage user accounts or administrate shared folders to ease IT admins’ workload in response to HR changes.

Secure system monitoring delegation

Permit external IT personnel to monitor system status in real time, but restrict service providers from modifying system settings.

Limited backup management privileges

Grant designated users the right to manage backup tasks without administrative privileges over other users’ backup tasks and data. 2

Flexible administrative role delegation

Synology High Availability

Faster failover and switchover

Failover and switchover times cut by up to 30% mean shorter service interruptions in case of problems.

SHA in DSM 7.0

SHA in DSM 6.2

faster failover and switchover
*Time required for failover and switchover. A shorter bar means shorter service interruptions.

Efficient update mechanism

New optimized system update mechanism reduces service downtime during system updates by up to 80%.


Get started with DSM 7.0

Upgrade to our all-new operating system and discover a world of new features.


  1. Refer to Secure SignIn Service’s technical specifications for more information.

  2. Refer to this article for more information on role delegation.

  3. Before upgrading, please review the release notes for important information about deprecated or removed features and add-on packages, and make sure to back up any important data.