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Welcome aboard

Get secure, one-stop access to all your Synology devices and services with a Synology Account.

Designed for security and privacy

Monitor your Synology Account with an overview of recent activity. Add an extra layer of security with authentication technologies including 2-factor authentication (2FA), trusted device sign-in, and FIDO2 security keys. Learn about keeping your Synology Account safe

Designed for security and privacy

Security overview

Quickly assess your Synology Account’s security posture and get suggestions on improving account security through a highly visible dashboard.

Security overview

Data privacy and control

Retain control of your data with automatic and manual options to delete your Synology Account activity.

Data privacy and control

One location for your Synology devices and services

Essential device details

QuickConnect and DDNS service information are viewable for each device, along with active license and warranty information.

Essential device details

Synology cloud subscriptions

Your subscription details for Synology C2 Cloud and Active Insight are all available, along with payment and management options.

Synology cloud subscriptions

Group accounts with Synology

Manage other Synology accounts along with their corresponding subscriptions and devices using the new Group feature.

Watch the video
“E-vite” the entire team

“E-vite” the entire team

Adding people to groups is as easy as sending an email. Learn more

Streamlined billing and payments

Streamlined billing and payments

Your Synology account now has the power to consolidate payments and centrally manage subscriptions for the entire group.

View device status

View device status

Active Insight health and performance details are viewable for every group device. Learn more

Synology is ready to help

Synology Account

Start your journey with Synology

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