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Release Notes for Note Station

Note Station helps you fully enjoy writing, viewing, managing, and sharing content-rich notes. It is very easy to create content with rich text editing, media embedding, attachments, and much more. Manage your notes by using tags and grouping notes into Notebooks. When you are ready, Note Station makes sharing your content via social networking platforms simple and quick. Create, share, and enjoy!

Version: 2.6.0-1407


Important Notes

  1. If you have encountered any login issues after updating Note Station to 2.6.0-1406, please update to this version.

What's New

  1. Supports disabling the spell checker to exclude certain kinds of text (e.g., programming code) from being underlined in red.
  2. Supports multi-selecting images to insert into a note at a time.
  3. Added the following font types: Calibri, Cambria, Consolas, Courier, Helvetica Neue, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, Roman, PMingLiU, MingLiU, DFKai-SB, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft YaHei, SimSun, NSimSun, KaiTi, and SimHei.
  4. Supports opening a new tab to view an inserted image in its original size for better viewing experience.
  5. Supports using hotkeys to delete notes (Delete), sync notes (Ctrl+S), search contents (Ctrl+Shift+F), and more.
  6. Revamped the shelf display for better note classification and browsing.
  7. Revamped the editor toolbar display in the edit mode.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where non-admin users could not sign in to Note Station.
  2. Fixed the issue where the font size of an inserted link could not be adjusted.
  3. Fixed the issue where images could not be deleted consecutively.
  4. Fixed the issue where Google Street View could not display on the Location page.
  5. Fixed the issue where charts could not display in the Present mode.
  6. Enhanced Chinese and Japanese search results.


  1. Starting from this version, Note Station no longer supports sharing notes via email, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Plurk.

Version: 2.6.0-1406


Important Notes

  1. This version is replaced by Note Station 2.6.0-1407 to fix an issue where non-admin users could not sign in to Note Station in DSM 6.2.3 Update 3.

Version: 2.5.5-0870

  1. Improved overall performance
  2. Adjusted date and time format
  3. Fixed an issue where Chrome 74 might fail to connect via HTTP
  4. Fixed an issue where photos inserted into notes could not be displayed
  5. Fixed an issue where notes might not be deleted successfully
  6. Minor bug fixes

Version: 2.5.4-0864

  1. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.5.3-0863

  1. Fixed an issue where attached files cannot be displayed on third-party applications.
  2. Fixed a security vulnerability. (Synology-SA-19:08)
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.5.2-0853

  1. Thai user interface is now available.

  2. Fixed an issue where note might fail to be sent by email.

  3. Fixed an issue where note might fail to export as .docx file.

  4. Fixed an issue where it might fail to import .enex file.

  5. Minor bugs fixes.

Version: 2.5.1-0844

  1. Fixed an issue where .nsx files of a specific format might fail to be imported.

  2. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-18:03)

  3. Minor bugs fixes.

Version: 2.5.0-0839

  1. Supports precise search, which only returns note titles, content, and attachment names that are exact matches of your keyword as results when you place the keyword inside double quotation marks.

  2. Supports saving files by “Ctrl+S” in the editor.

  3. Minor bugs fixes.

Version: 2.4.6-0827

  1. Fixed an issue where Evernote files might fail to be imported. 

  2. Fixed an issue where tags in Evernote XML files might not be imported.

  3. Fixed an issue where note content might be reloaded when users click “Sync Now”. 

  4. Minor bugs fixes.

Version: 2.4.5-0824

  1. Fixed an issue where Note Station for desktop might fail to be downloaded.
  2. Fixed an issue where images might fail to be copied and pasted from Note Station to other document editors.
  3. Fixed an issue where users cannot type Chinese and Japanese in title fields.
  4. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.4.4-0822

  1. Note Station for desktop is available now.
  2. Fixed an issue where color customization might not work properly.
  3. Fixed an issue where a tag might disappear from Favorites when its sub tags are adjusted.
  4. Fixed an issue where images might fail to be dragged & dropped from File Station to notes as attachments.
  5. Fixed an issue where the size of other images might be affected when a certain image’s size is adjusted.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.4.3-0810

  1. Fixed an issue where adjustment of text size might fail.
  2. Fixed an issue where the numbered list/bulleted list buttons in the editing toolbar might not be properly displayed.
  3. Fixed an issue where the deletion of in-note GPS info might fail.
  4. Fixed an issue where users might not be able to remove in-note hyperlinks.
  5. Fixed an issue where the print page might not be opened when users click “Print” on the in-note right key menu.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.4.2-0629

  1. Enhanced the usability of color pickers.
  2. Supports using the keyboard Tab key to navigate the cursor to the next and previous cells in a table.
  3. Supports searching for notes in a publicly shared notebook.
  4. Fixed an issue where sending a note including an attachment or checkbox as an email might fail. 
  5. Fixed an issue where the highlight feature might not work properly in FireFox.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.4.1-0619

  1. Fixed an issue where clipping web content into a note via DS note might fail.
  2. Fixed an issue where backing up Note Station with massive notes via Hyper Backup might fail.
  3. Fixed an issue where keyword search for notes might show incorrect results.
  4. Fixed an issue where font size in shared notes might be incorrect.
  5. Minor bugs fixes.

Version: 2.4.0-0615

  1. Supports moving data storage from one volume to another.
  2. Provides uninterrupted service when Note Station is being backed up by Hyper Backup.
  3. Enhanced table usability.
  4. Maintains correct content format in the "Present" mode.
  5. Fixed an issue where users might fail to remove permissions from a group that has been deleted.
  6. Minor bugs fixes

Version: 2.3.0-0547

  1. Supports finding notes in Note Station via Synology Universal Search (DSM 6.1 Beta or above required).
  2. Fixed an issue where copying and pasting images from Note Station to Google Docs and Microsoft Office Online might fail.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.2.0-0538

  1. Support users to import Evernote .enex files to Note Station.
  2. Fixed an issue where syncing notes between Note Station and Chrome Note Station might fail.
  3. Fixed an issue where displaying chart might fail in presentation mode.
  4. Fixed an issue where exporting notes to .docx files might fail.
  5. Fixed an issue where the keyboard arrow key might not work when editing subtask title.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.1.0-0528

  1. Added support for nested tags for note management.
  2. Added support for exporting notes as .docx files.
  3. Added the "Intersect selected" option for advanced search by tag.
  4. Fixed an issue where image alignment settings might not be saved.
  5. Fixed an issue where attached audio files in notes might not be properly played.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1-0215

  1. Fixed an issue where .nsx files exported from iOS DS note could not be imported to Note Station.
  2. Fixed an issue where images clipped from websites by Synology Web Clipper might not be displayed.
  3. Enhanced search accuracy when using multiple keywords.
  4. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.0-0513

  1. Offline Note Station is now available in Chrome Web Store. You can create and edit notes or to-do lists without Internet connection, and all updates will be synchronized to Note Station in DSM when the Internet is connected.
  2. Use Synology Web Clipper to save selected content of MailPlus or Gmail to Note Station.
  3. Convert tables into charts, including line charts, bar charts, and pie charts.
  4. Choose a template for your presentation.
  5. Click to expand images to their original size in presentation mode.
  6. Apply heading formats to texts to switch slides in presentation mode.
  7. Create Smart Notebooks according to different criteria. Existing and future notes that match the criteria will be automatically added to the Smart Notebook.
  8. Insert the internal link of another note and open it directly via the hyperlink.
  9. The search feature in Note Station now includes results based on the content of attached files of various formats, including PDF, Office, Open Office, and iWork file.
  10. The attachments in PDF, word, excel, and powerpoint formats can be previewed in Note Station directly with the Document Viewer package.
  11. You can add stars, remarks and subtasks to to-do tasks.
  12. You can share notes or notebooks with a group.
  13. Supports exporting/importing to-do tasks for backup.
  14. Allows you to output to-do tasks to a new note and customize its display options.

Version: 1.1-0214

  1. Fixed a security issue to prevent cross-site scripting attacks.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1-0212

  1. Adjusted file format of exported notebooks for enhanced exporting performance and compatibility.
  2. Fixed an issue where copying images to notes might fail.

Version: 1.1-0211


This is the initial release to add support for DS216play.

  1. Fixed a security issue to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
  2. Enhanced the stability of capturing web content using Synology Web Clipper.
  3. Enhanced the stability of inserting images to notes.
  4. Fixed an issue where the feature of DSM timeout might fail if the todo badge is enabled.
  5. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1-0207

  1. Fixed an issue where text on the Public Sharing page might be garbled in QQ Browser on mobile devices.
  2. Fixed an issue where tags could not be deleted all at once on the Info page.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1-0205

  1. Added to-do list feature. You can add tasks to notes or add them independently to the to-do list.
  2. Manage tasks by specifying a priority, due date, and reminder.
  3. Synology Web Clipper is now available on the Chrome Web Store. You can clip web content directly to Note Station.
  4. Export notebooks to a nsx file for backup or for importing to another Synology NAS.
  5. Export individual notes as HTML files so that users without Note Station can read them.
  6. You can archive seldomly used notebooks so that they will not be displayed in the notebook section or in search results.
  7. Enhanced Note Station file structure. A three-tier structure (Shelf, Notebook, and Note) provides greater flexibility for organizing Note Station.
  8. You can display notes in presentation mode.
  9. You can create new notes in a joined notebook if you were given modify permissions.
  10. You can share notes via the built-in DSM email application.
  11. You can change the default notebook.
  12. You can adjust the default note font size.
  13. Import notes from YinXiangBiJi.
  14. Better note version conflict handling.
  15. Todo badge number on Desktop icon.

Version: 1.0-0074


Fixed Issues

  1. Enhanced the stability for importing notebooks from Evernote.
  2. Fixed an issue where deleted notes might still be accessible in tag views.
  3. Fixed an issue where deleting encrypted notes via the right-click menu might not work properly.
  4. The display order of notebooks in the tree view is now sorted by notebook name.
  5. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.0-0069

  1. This is the initial release for the package.