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Release Notes for BeeDrive for desktop

BeeDrive for desktop is a desktop utility that automatically backs up your computer to BeeDrive. It includes folder-level file sync with customizable options for sync direction, file size, and file type.

Version: 1.4.2-13960


What's new


  • Supports HFS+ file system.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue where users in China might not be able to pair their mobile devices.
  • Fixed an issue that might prevent the BeeDrive desktop software from opening when BeeDrive wasn't safely ejected after setting up iCloud photo backup.
  • Fixed an issue where an iCloud photo backup created on Windows might duplicate backup files when connecting BeeDrive to a Mac.


  • Fixed an issue where BeeDrive with the exFAT file system couldn't generate previews for HEIC files, even when the Microsoft HEIF Image Extension was installed on Windows.


  • Fixed an issue where photo backup from an SD card or external drive might not be successful after modifying macOS tags or comments of photos on the external storage.
  • Fixed an issue where the BeeDrive mobile app might not be able to preview photos if the BeeDrive name contained Chinese characters.
  • Fixed an issue where BeeDrive might not back up or sync previous folders after updating to macOS 15.
  • Fixed an issue where the BeeDrive mobile app might not be able to preview photos when BeeDrive was connected to a Mac running macOS 15.

Version: 1.4.1-13932


What's new

  • Supports backing up iCloud Photos automatically and checking updates every hour.
  • Supports backing up external storage with two options:
    • Photographer mode: Backs up and auto-sorts all photos and videos into year-month folders. Backup resumes even after formatting.
    • Custom mode: Backs up photos and videos in specified folders and keeps the same folder structure as the source.

Fixed issues


  • Fixed an issue where updates for the desktop app might fail.


  • Fixed an issue where ejecting BeeDrive within the desktop app might fail.

Version: 1.4.1-13931


This update was recalled on 2025/01/06, due to a potential issue where upgrading BeeDrive from specific versions to this version might fail.

Version: 1.4.0-13930


This update was recalled on 2025/01/03, due to a potential issue where upgrading BeeDrive from specific versions to this version might fail.

Version: 1.3.3-13815


Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue where HEIC photos backed up from iPhone with iOS 18 or later might not display correctly in the BeeDrive mobile app.

Version: 1.3.2-13814


Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue where automatic updates might fail when a new version is first released.
  • Fixed security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-24:26).

Version: 1.3.1-13808


What's new

  • Supports restoring file versions and deleted files to their original folder on the computer from Computer Backup.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue where an external drive might not be properly detected after pausing Computer Backup, disconnecting the drive, and plugging it back in.
  • Fixed an issue where syncing or uploading might fail when a file name exceeds 255 characters and conflicts arise from editing the same file on both the computer and BeeDrive.
  • Enhanced overall performance by reducing computer resource usage.


  • Fixed an issue where BeeDrive might not be ejected via the desktop app when another service on the computer is using it.
  • Fixed an issue where pairing with the mobile device might fail due to certificate problems.


  • Fixed an issue where file version history might not appear when right-clicking on files on the computer.
  • Fixed an issue where the BeeDrive desktop app might fail to recognize BeeDrive after macOS wakes from sleep mode.
  • Adjusted the storage usage units to align with the measurement system used by macOS.

Version: 1.3.0-13752


What's new

  • Supports browsing file versions in Version History, allowing you to view and download all versions stored on BeeDrive.
  • Enhanced the process of ejecting BeeDrive by allowing its safe removal within the desktop app.
  • Supports formatting BeeDrive to NTFS or APFS file systems. (Beta)
  • Supports syncing and backing up external storage.
  • Supports an automatic repair mechanism when BeeDrive is not safely removed and cannot be recognized by the desktop app.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue where file names that included UTF-8 characters (e.g., Simplified Chinese) might not sync properly.
  • Fixed an issue where exiting BeeDrive for desktop via Task Manager or terminal might cause syncing or backup failure.
  • Enhanced detection speed of BeeDrive.
  • Enhanced syncing and backup speed.
  • Enhanced stability of mobile connections.
  • Enhanced overall performance by reducing computer resource usage.

Version: 1.2.2-13557


Fixed issues


  • Fixed an issue that prevented Mac users from updating BeeDrive for the first time or after formatting it.


Version: 1.2.1-13555


What's new

  • File Sync supports syncing folders used for Mobile Transfer.

Fixed issues

  • Enhanced software performance.
  • Fixed an issue where some Mac computers equipped with Apple silicon might not recognize BeeDrive due to the absence of Apple's built-in app, Rosetta 2.
  • Fixed an issue where folder names containing the symbol "/" might not display properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the desktop software might not function properly due to an excessive number of certificates stored in the computer system.


  • Fixed an issue where the desktop software might not be able to pair or connect to the BeeDrive mobile app due to abnormalities in the computer’s firewall settings.


  • Fixed an issue where BeeDrive functions might not appear when right-clicking files in Finder.

Version: 1.2.0-13547


What's new

  • Supports File Sync on macOS 12.0 and above.

Known issues

  • The length for a username on Mac computers should be less than 40 characters.
  • For users on macOS 14 and above, it is required to update BeeDrive device within the desktop software for better compatibility.
  • Due to the mechanism of the exFAT file system, unplugging BeeDrive without safely ejecting it may cause data corruption. Please ensure you have ejected BeeDrive safely before removal.

Version: 1.2.0-13539


What's new

  • Supports macOS 12.0 and above to run BeeDrive for desktop (RC), system administrator permissions are required.

Fixed issues

  • Enhanced the recognition accuracy to better detect BeeDrive if it was not removed safely.
  • Enhanced stability for syncing and backups.
  • Enhanced stability of connection with the BeeDrive mobile app during photo backup and file transfer via BeeDrop.
  • Fixed an issue where QR codes for pairing mobile devices might not be generated properly.

Version: 1.1.1-13312


Fixed issues

  1. Fixed an issue where users in China might not be able to generate QR codes for pairing mobile devices.

Version: 1.1.0-13311


What's new

  1. Supports photo backup and file transfer via BeeDrop when your mobile device and computer are on separate networks (e.g., cellular data, guest Wi-Fi, public Wi-Fi, and other networks with wireless isolation enabled).
  2. Added a notification to promptly notify users within the BeeDrive desktop software when Windows detects the need to repair BeeDrive.
  3. Supports displaying the file path in the backup and syncing queue by hovering the mouse over the file name.
  4. Enhanced the accuracy of the storage usage calculation.

Fixed issues

  1. Fixed an issue where BeeDrive might not be recognized by the BeeDrive desktop software under specific conditions.
  2. Fixed an issue where signing in to the Synology Account or generating QR codes for pairing with the mobile device might fail when the computer's Internet connection went through a proxy server.
  3. Fixed an issue where users in China might not be able to sign in to their Synology Account or generate QR codes for pairing mobile devices.
  4. Fixed an issue where users might not be able to select the default option of Computer Backup when the default folders (e.g., Downloads, Pictures) were missing on the Windows computer.
  5. Fixed an issue where a computer’s internal disk might be mistaken for an external drive by the BeeDrive desktop software.

Version: 1.0.0-13176


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Supported operating systems: Windows 10 (1809), Windows 11 and above, excluding Windows 10 ARM and Windows Server editions (system administrator permissions are required)
  2. Supported file system on BeeDrive: exFAT

What's New

  1. A real-time backup and sync solution from your computer to BeeDrive.
  2. Backing up photos and transferring files from mobile devices to your BeeDrive connected to a computer with the use of the BeeDrive mobile app.
  3. A brief overview of the hardware health status and storage usage.

To learn more, please refer to the technical specifications.